ONCE, draw today, Saturday, January 27, 2024

Pending the official result, in a few minutes we will bring you all the information about the ONCE Sueldazo and Super Once draw today, Saturday, January 27, 2024. Good luck!

Salary ONCE

Sueldaso ONCE

Sueldazo is a special ONCE draw held on Saturdays and Sundays in which players choose a prize of €5,000 per month for 20 years and €300,000 cash as the first prize, a five-digit number and a series corresponding to the first. production However, in the first draw, more prizes are distributed based on the number of numbers matching the winning number. These awards are provided by ONCE and can be viewed on their website.

In addition, four more numbers are being drawn in the Sueldazo draw, with a prize for the winners of €2,000 per month for 10 years. These subsequent extractions also include 216 €400 prizes for participants who have a 5-digit number but do not match the series.

Super ONCE

Super Once is an ONCE lottery that runs every day of the week. The drawing consists of a matrix of 80 numbers, numbered from 1 to 80. The participant’s goal is to select from the matrix from 5 to 11 numbers, the order of which does not matter.

The draw, which takes place from Monday to Sunday at 21:15, will result in a winning combination consisting of 20 numbers starting from 80. Through this combination, participants will be entitled to different prizes depending on the number of correct numbers and the type of bet paid. . Depending on the number of selected numbers, 7 types of bets are available: 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6 or 5.

Note. LaVanguardia.com is not responsible for any errors or omissions that may occur. The only valid official list is the list provided by state lotteries and bookmakers.

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