One in four Aragonese suffers from liver problems

The president of the Spanish Association for the Study of the Liver (AEEH), Manuel Romero, warned in Zaragoza of the continued increase in the number of people suffering from liver disease, which affects 25% of the population of Aragon, more than 330,000 Aragonese. . “The problem is that the worst is yet to come and almost no one knows,” said Romero about the prevalence of this disease, which is associated with excess weight and which affects 8 out of 10 obese people, and which to this day 20 will be discussed in Zaragoza on on the occasion of Aragonese Liver Week.

The purpose of the day is to raise public awareness of the transcendent importance of liver diseases in the context of public health, as well as the need for prevention and early detection to avoid progression, which is increasing in all segments of the population. it already affects even 2-3% of children.

Progress in which alcohol consumption also plays an important role and in which young people exhibit “particularly hazardous” consumption patterns due to practices such as binge drinking (drinking large amounts of alcohol over several hours) which “can be more harmful to health ” liver health than moderate consumption,” the organizers of the day note in a press release.

Fatty liver and alcohol-related liver disease have replaced viral hepatitis as the leading cause of liver cirrhosis, liver cancer and transplant indications, and poor diet, sedentary lifestyle and alcohol consumption have become the main enemies of liver health.

In fact, they add from AEEH, pathologies related to this organ already represent the third cause of premature mortality in Spain and, in addition, are the second cause of lost years of working life after cardiovascular diseases.

Throughout this week, various presentations and round tables have been organized in the main hospitals of Aragon, aimed at professionals in the health sector, as well as patients and the general population, during which knowledge and best practices in the field of hepatology will be shared.

Other types of side events will also be held, such as talks and discussions in secondary schools, master classes, information stands about common hidden liver diseases, as well as rapid tests.

The main goal of these activities is to promote prevention, early detection and promotion of healthy lifestyles from a very young age, as these conditions can be serious, warned Dr. Trinidad Serrano, head of the department of hepatology and liver transplantation. from the Clinical Hospital of Zaragoza.

Given the increasing prevalence of liver pathologies and the changing paradigm of their causes and development, hepatologists consider it necessary to implement a National Liver Health Plan aimed at prevention and early detection.

According to Dr. Vanesa Bernal of the digestive system service at the Miguel Servet University Hospital and coordinator of the initiative, the plan proposes screening all people with risk factors because these are “silent diseases that do not become apparent until the liver is damaged.” very damaged.”

“Using hepatitis C as an example,” adds Bernal, “we have already shown that investing in liver disease is an investment in health and, in the long term, cost savings. However, not everything is done yet; There are still undiagnosed and untreated patients, and so more universal screening strategies are being created, such as screening patients presenting to emergency services.”

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