Osprey flight: analyzing the photo

This large eagle can be seen and photographed in the lake Naivasha in Kenya. To do this, we sail around the lake on a small wooden boat until we get a good overview of its flights, as well as some dark blue water background with the typical landscape of this environment.

Once we are inside the boat and as we move forward, the loud sound these birds make allows us to spot several pairs sitting in the trees surrounding the water’s edge. At this moment something extremely important happens. stand with the light in the right direction to get a perspective in which the eagle has the best lighting and is not too dark when measured in light.


Song of the cranes: analyzing the photograph

We’re climbing ISO at 1500 have self-control 1/5000 secondenough to freeze this bird so quickly as it comes and goes in flight.

To get this photo, we spent an entire day filming it on camera and then select from all framesthe one that best reflects the correct moment of action.

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