Paco Camps and Miguel Zorio’s lawyer will support VOX’s petition for the new Mestalla.

Municipal group VOICE led by its representative Juanma Badenas, presented urgent petition in the urban planning commission, with which he intended revoke all planning rights to Valencia for the new Mestalla. Movement was not approved and on the other hand, there was another one, presented by PSPV and Compromís with the support of the PP, which at the next municipal plenary sessionand the city planning files will be approved with a number of difficult conditions.

Now, according to El Confidencial, it has become known that Onda Cero Valencia has been able to confirm that the people behind this proposal are lawyer for Paco Camps and Miguel Zorio Pablo Delgado. The former vice president of Valencia is one of the most recent bidders for Peter Lim’s stake. In addition Pablo Delgado also participated in the 112 VCF project. who intended to raise money to buy a controlling stake in Valencia.

According to the metadata of the text document of this urgent proposal, the author will be Pablo Delgado himself.

Here is the proposal presented by VOX to the city planning commission:

In order to protect the general interests of the city, and taking into account the provisions of the Consular Agreement of 29 July 2022, which determines the expiry of the ATE “Valencia Football Club”:

Taking into account resolution GC-1336 of 12/07/2024, issued by the Advisor-Rapporteur for LICÈNCIES URBANÍSTIQUES-ACTIVITATS, by virtue of delegation;

Considering that the above-mentioned license states the condition of providing “imaginary guarantees” of dubious effectiveness in the event of non-compliance with the requirements of the licensed company “VCF SAD” in the future;

Whereas the said construction license GC-1336 of 12/07/2024 was issued insofar as the agreement of the Consell de la Generalitat Valenciana of 29 July 2022 (DOGV 03/08/2022) declared the early authorization and expiration of the Strategic Territorial Action “Valencia” and expressly established in its seventh section of the device the suspension of the issuance of construction licenses for new construction works in the said strategic area, zones A and B, expressly excluding the new one from the said suspension. The football stadium is located on the GSP-1* site.

Considering that the said agreement was ratified by the Resolution of the First Section of the Arbitration and Administrative Chamber of the TSZhV No. 253 of November 4, 2024, which is not final due to the direct appeal filed by the administrative body of the Valencian Football Club SAD.

Taking into account the Council’s agreement of 29 July 2022, the fifth legal basis of which provided that “the general interest inherent in the organization created by the planning (ATE) … for the purposes of public interest and taking into account the desire to preserve it, required “to seek mechanisms that would allow, in the absence of said guarantees, to establish obligations that guarantee their proper implementation”, and taking into account that, two years after this resolution of the WCF SAD, the issue of the lack of guarantees has not been resolved, not even in the traditional way or in any other alternative way, while the party that does not comply with the requirements or the Municipal Legal Services are not interested in the formula for implementing this provision of the Council resolution.

Since this non-compliance, sanctioned by the decree of 22 July 2022 and condemned by the TSJCV on 11 April 2024, cannot remain uninsured after the continued consent to comply with the demands of the VCF SAD managers, who even opposed the declaration of the centenary Valencian entity, rooted in the culture of the city and the community, “Valencia Football Club” as an object of cultural interest.

In addition, the construction license GC-1336 of 12/07/2024 exempts from liability the construction and subsequent activity of tertiary, museum and any other tertiary use, if provided for in the ATE Plan for the said site and which were in the original license, which canceled the same approval agreement of July 12, provided for in the original project and considered as part of the Plan, leaves the building to be built exclusively for “Stadium and sports facilities”, therefore, it is necessary to redistribute the territories and stop the processing of urban planning forms that must be adapted when this new reality exists, when there are proposals for tertiary and museum education, as well as that mix of use and intensity that is already provided for in the ATE, taking into account the PeMoMe mobility system planned for the said area and for tertiary education. , normal and special use, the equipment and provisions provided for in the Plan, so that they are recalculated and redistributed in accordance with the current situation resulting from the partial license only for the sports stadium, with a reduction in parking spaces by one third, the absence of the area of ​​the municipal sports center, and are reorganized for the coming times of the end of the first quarter of the 21st century, since they were envisaged and designed during the reform of the 1988 Plan at the end of the last century, but were not completed for reasons known and related only to the administration of the SAD VCF in the last ten years. Also taking into account the realities and systems of highly centralized facilities already existing in the area, but without due subordination to the forecast of the future, which the discipline of urban planning requires.

In addition, the Council’s agreement of 29 July 2022 affected the agreements and arrangements between the management and the promoter of VCF SAD due to the non-compliance of the latter’s managers over the past decade,


First.- Proceed to the repeal of the Strategic Territorial Action Plan of Valencia Football Club, approved by the decree of the Department of Infrastructure, Territory and Environment of 19 February 2015 (DTI of 15 May 2015), which was maintained by the fourth point of the Council agreement adopted at its meeting of 29 July 2022, which declared the expiration of the ATE due to non-compliance caused by the administration of Valencian Football Club SAD.

And this is against the backdrop of a decline in public interest for unforeseen reasons and the unwillingness of the managers of the WCF SAD since 2014 to comply with the prerogatives of the ATE as a management tool and the planning agreed upon in it.

This repeal will determine the complete liquidation of the increase in urban capital that this planning instrument attributed to the lands belonging to the Valencian Football Club, SAD, and the subsequent restoration of the validity of the previous planning, as well as the beginning of the processing of the modification of the Plan to adapt it to the new urban situation with the corresponding legal processes of proposal and study by the competent services of this corporation, public information, sectoral consultation, citizen participation, as well as municipal and regional proposals and approval in accordance with the legal regulations in force.

Second.- To entrust the Planning Service with the necessary actions so that, from the approval of these agreements, the process of the “Specific Modification of the General Urban Planning Plan of Valencia” begins without interruption, exclusively in the areas delimited by the Territorial Action. Strategic (ATE) Valencia CF for both zone A, Antiguo Mestalla, and zone B, Corts Valencianes”, calling for as many actions as possible necessary to implement the previous agreement.

Third.- Proceed with the implementation of an external and independent audit to assess the cost of the works for the completion of the New Stadium, in accordance with the approval of the Information Commission for Urban Development, Parks and Gardens, Natural Spaces and Climate. Improvement at the meeting of 21 February 2024, when the execution project was presented by the Valencia SAD Football Club.

Fourth.- To agree on the resolution of the agreements signed by the City Council of Valencia with the Valencia Football Club, SAD for the serious breach of the obligations assumed by the latter, approving its liquidation and demanding the corresponding compensation for the damages and the actual damage caused, as well as formalizing the patrimonialization in favor of the City Council of Valencia without the need to compensate anything for the amounts and the land transferred to the City Council for the exchange of use to obtain land in Zone B as part of the sanction and for the purpose of non-fulfillment of obligations.

Fifth. To agree on the need to suspend Current Planning in order to maintain the organization of the Plan in the preparation stage. And therefore, current planning must be suspended for the maximum legal period, from the moment of its legal origin and after its notification and publication, which will be done in emergency cases, promoting, in accordance with Art. 69.3 and 44.7, the issuance of temporary emergency regulations, calling for this the competent autonomous administration and ordering the Planning Service to prepare and promote them.

Sixth.- To exercise at the plenary session of the Corporation the usual powers relating to the processing and approval of the previously mentioned agreements.“.

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