Pass after the fact | Le DPCP makes no excuses for Adele Sorella

After 15 years and three trials, the legal saga of Adele Sorella resumes with a pair of two encounters with girls of 8 and 9 years old, and they can be acquitted in last December, but not without the lower back.

Le Directeur des poursuites criminelles et penales (DPCP) is an independent provider, after the expiration of the delay period, which cannot be used to file and appeal the acquittal of a mafia woman who has no right to wait.

Le DPCP dit avoir proceed to “a careful analysis of the reasons for this (latest) decision” and then conclude that “it is necessary that this verdict is not so interesting, and la the rules of applicable law, the DPCP concludes that on appeal it does not indicate this reason.

“Rappelons que, pour justifier l’intervention de la Cour d’appel à la suite d’un justifications, le poursuivant doit Soulever, une erreur de droit et que le simple désaccord n’est pas un suffisant”, ajoute sa porte-parole ,M.And Audrey Roy Cloutier.

The deaths of two of Adele Sorella’s girls, Sabrina and D’Amanda DeVito, remained a mystery.

The woman was acquitted last December, in a triple trial, due to “gaps” in the framework of prejudice and the possibility that the mafia could make its fillets.

On March 31, 2009, Adele Sorella left her residence without the latest retro pendants at night in a random car. Their children Amanda and Sabrina live in their bedrooms and return to death at the end of their journey.

Elles étaient alors dans le salon, portaient toujours leurs uniforms d’écolières, et aucune traces of violence or d’entrée par efraction n’avaient pu être retrouvées sur leurs corps et dans la maison.

Long saga

The triple trial is before the Court of Appeal as the judge in the second trial awaits a break in the defense of the case on these organized crime charges.

Not knowing that the father of the Philetos and Maria d’Adele Sorella at the time of the events was Giuseppe De Vito, an influential chef of the mafioso clan and a Cavale of three years. This is a cyanuride poisoning death at a maximum security prison in 2013.

Adele Sorella became paranoid after leaving her son Maria. He made three attempts to commit suicide. Selon les Experts, elle souffrait d’une depression majeure et d’une pathologique. Une amnésie l’empêchait egalement de sa Rappeler de la Fatique Journée orù les fillettes sont mortes.

On June 24, 2013, she received a responsive judgment from a superior jury rendered by the Court of Appeal.

It is possible to call the Poursuite function again, but the quadruple process has not yet been performed for greater efficiency.

Avec Louis-Samuel Perron, La Presse

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