Pedro Martinez, name on multiple ACB team table | Relief

He Baxi Manresa signed a contract that, after 2021–2022, was the best season in its recent history. A campaign with its own name, the pillar on which the team has revolved over the past five seasons: Pedro Martinez. An ancient coach – it’s not for nothing that he is the coach who has played the most matches in the Endesa League – This is an option that several ACB teams are considering after their future at Manresa is in doubt.

The end of the regular stage of the Endesa League is just around the corner. And although there are still playoffs for the title after this, There is no team that is not currently planning its roster for next season.. Even those who are already classified or, as in the case of Baxi Manresa, are fighting for that last place. A ticket that, if obtained, would allow the team to return to the playoffs, as happened two years ago, when, like this year, it also participated in the Copa del Rey and also managed to reach the BCL final then. The reality is that what this all boils down to is that Pedro Martinez, who has been in the ACB for 31 straight seasons, is one of the most sought-after figures on the market.

If we add to this that Manresa’s contract expires at the end of the season, everything makes his name even more attractive and the fact that he is already on the table in some Endesa league team. And if, One of them, as already reported by the Valencian media, is Valencia Basket.

Taronja’s side, who sacked Alex Mumbra at the start of April, have entrusted the final stretch of the season to Xabi Albert, the home coach who was assistant to the previous coach. However, everything indicates that this movement is something indirect. Actually, The interest in Pedro Martinez is not the only one that the Taronja club has in the lands of Manresa.. Another name that is also planned for next season is Branco Badio.

Young shooting guard Baxi Manresa is having an exceptional season. was repeatedly the leader of Pedro Martinez’s team. In fact, the fact that both names appear in the table is not trivial, as it is clear that there is good harmony between them, since coach Badio received an offer to join Manresa for the final stretch of the season in 2022. There, teamwork is clearly paying off in the Catalan team.

Despite this, The coach’s future is still uncertain. While the reality is that a year ago it seemed more obvious that he would stay, this season is not over yet and, depending on what happens and whether Manresa makes the playoffs, he may finally be able to stay for at least one year. further.

What is certain is that there are other teams keeping their eyes on him in this scenario, such as Dreamland Gran Canaria. Everything points to the fact that they will have to look for a new replacement for their bench due to the more than possible departure of Jaki Lakovic, who was also in the orbit of Valencia and was especially in the Basque region for several weeks.

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