Play and Lose | Rafael Villasanjuan’s article on the decline of the Conservative Party in the United Kingdom

In a country where you can bet on almost anything, if anything more were needed to confirm the British lack of confidence in their government, Members close to Prime Minister Rishi Sunakwith privileged information, He bet there would be an election on July 4th… and he won. The situation is such that the celebrations have been revived ten days before the elections. boris johnson In the midst of a pandemic and a fleeting period Liz TrussWhich sank Britain’s reputation and economy in just six weeks. Conservatives have gambled on power and lost. This is something the British right-wing politicians have made us accustomed to. Play and lose. David Cameron With the vote evenly split, he took a gamble by calling a referendum in Scotland and getting Labour leader Gordon Brown to step in to get some marginal votes to stop independence. With Brexit – another issue that divides the British – he called another referendum thinking it would lead him to silence those who wanted to leave and end up with a somewhat favourable deal with the EU. All or nothing, and There the state is, perhaps, more divided than ever: Scotland wants to fly free and enter the EU; Wales threatens to follow the same path and wounds in Northern Ireland open up behind the border.

(TagstoTranslate)Rishi Sunak

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