Pourquoi personne n’a fait mieux que la trilogie cult with Brendan Fraser

Mommy with Tom Cruise or plus vacation unknown with Tom Holland, in the essay “The Flame of an Adventure Film Without a Single Explosive and Feminine Trilogy” Mommy with Brendan Fraser.

Zero trembling, zero excitement, zero imagination: Mommy Tom Cruise’s version is the blockbusters les plus, disappearing from recent years, si ce n’est au-delà. And this is not Tom Holland and his son unknown trop tiède qui ira piquer la vette with Brendan Fraser in it Mommy Stephen Sommers and these two-room suites Return of the Mummy and etc. The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor. Lors de leurs forays, les Films ont été three thanks, etc. subsequently gained popularity. Décomplexées, inventions, ridicule, jokes, decals, these superproducts occupy a privileged place among many spectators.

What is a cult film Mommy with Boris Karloff – departure at 90 years old, ‘Screen Large’ explodes in Brendan Fraser’s trilogy in memory of these spectacles.

MOTHER Stephen Sommers (1999)

It’s hard to imagine what can be returned Mommy It was unfortunate to create three different films in front of the decomplex popcorn. General refusal provided horror film in the tradition of the original 30 years, with a Series B budget. The famous Clive Barker finds himself embroiled in a modern-day story led by a museum director who is trying to revive mothers. This will be the bathroom on Joe Dante’s tour (Gremlins) I also created a modern version, centered on a love story, with the envy of the Daniel Day-Lewis caster in my mother. The idea of ​​scarab mangers in a human chair lives on in this scenario, which was discarded from the studio’s beloved vehicle.

George A. Romero will also offer his vision in the film “94” with the hero Imhotep, reanimated by chance in the American metropolis. Universal rejects this version as trop cruel, without discussing the problem of the contract that lies with Romero a la MGM. Mick Garris and Wes Craven approach before Stephen Sommers connects with products James Jacks and Sean Daniel for the pitcher. sa version, between Indiana Jones and others. Jason and the Argonauts. A fan of the 1932 film that marked his childhood, he realized leur vend du reve and decroche un 80 million budget.

“Hurray ki-yay”

Universal has no regrets: with more than 415 million box office receipts, not 155 aux Etats-Unis. Mommy this is success. Assez deserves as much as the rest of the film damn cute sight, parfois très drôle (premiere scene of Rachel Weisz in the library), parfois très sale (les Scarabés carnivores, l’acide qui aura fait “fondre” les pauvres locaux) and souvent très Ridicule. Stephen Sommers’ film was not included in the series, and he did well.

Rick, who speaks in the chat like the Lion King to take revenge on his mother, Rick, who commented in the air on the dubious coup that took place, Fremire le Feu de Camp, Rick, who tired his mother at the premiere of the meeting in the air, satisfied, Rick, who dodges from some balls thanks to Evi: Mommy est un plaisir the old school assumed, parfaitement illustré par le flegme de son Heros, interpreted by the impeccable Brendan Fraser. ImplementerCritic in the Ocean and etc. Van Helsing use these desert and ancient tomb settings to some effect, revealing beautiful scenes. The charm of it mommy (resistance to special effects) resist without problems for a year.

Photo: Brendan Fraser, Rachel WeiszPhoto: Brendan Fraser, Rachel WeiszBrendan Fraser with Rachel Weisz and John Hannah

RETURN OF MOMI Stephen Sommers (2001)

If the first chapter of the trilogy is a kind of parfait pastiche of dynamic entertainment, then this suite is également. sommet, but in a completely different domain. Before the advent of the panorama of cinema, awarded to a large public and an ultra-caliber for the industry, the success suites are not articulated as soon as the narrative scheme is thought of as the source of a franchise or possible universes étendu, more selon logic “bigger and louder”.

So, encore plus on the throne of the viewer, which does not require any coercion. Mommy’s return à bien des égards, balance between toilets, l’équilibre funambule du premier volet et annihile à peu près tout ce qui faisait son charm of the enthusiast. Read more in contrepartie, nous gagnons film modest, weak, deep ideas promoting baroque, weak, euphoric or absurd.

Photo: Brendan Fraser, Rachel WeiszPhoto: Brendan Fraser, Rachel Weisz“Mon Dieu Rachel, this is the moment to sort our dialogues plus choices”

In a sense, the film after 43 resurrections/decayvu incommensurable name bébêtes nuériques, killer of combatants, all also numerical, rigé du mélange de charisma brut et de de ridicule peculiar to la spectacle of Arnold Vosloo, tout en se requiring comment le personanage of John Hannah a bien pu survivre à sa propre adolescence.

On sera sera esclaffé devant le génie precoce d’un enfant confondant Manifestement le mythe du Petit Poucet et un raé d’architecture afférant à l’Egypte ancienne, face à une bonne demi-douzaines de climax (force, quand on a recit avec 132 ) méchants trois douzillions de gentile, tout se finit en embouteillage narratif), avant de faire une fainting caused by the vomiting of the Scorpio King.

Dans ses outrances et le panache avec lequel il s’assume comme huge hamburger, hard to digest, but normal right after the explosionsuite Mommy it is an inexhaustible source of pleasure. Plus 433 million box office receipts for a hundred million budget is a success. Et puis bon, this is peu l’acte de naissance deviant de The Rock, and this, this is a historical phenomenon.

Mom's Return: Photos Brendan Fraser, Arnold VoslooMom's Return: Photos Brendan Fraser, Arnold VoslooBrendan Fraser and Arnold Vosloo


After the sortie du The Mummy Returns, un consstat s’imposait: l’adventure avec un grand A était toujours aussi populaire auprès du public, et l’univers de la Momie se montrait riche en aventures apps. Preuve en este avec la trilogie du Roy Scorpio. He can always follow the triple history of the main saga of fut-mise en chantier très fastement.

Il n’en a été rien puisqu’il Fallu attre quelques années pour que Mommy come alive on screens as a surprise for everyone. The imperative était is obvious: update the story of all the elements that will ensure the success of the saga. If Imhotep fails to return to the three rounds, his presence in the second round will be moot, the decision will be a prize in China (ce qui tombait bien puisqu’une party des capitaux du Budget Provenait de là-bas) and he has become interested and especially interested in Emperor Qin Shi Huangdi (Jet Li) in a script that was destroyed last year.

Photo by Brendan FraserPhoto by Brendan FraserBrendan Fraser, Toujours là

If Brendan Fraser and John Hannah come to life, Rachel Weisz will give the bulk of the profits to Maria Bello. “The story didn’t meet plus the emphasis on Rick O’Connell, who was handsome and best for Alex’s son, now an adult adventurer like his father.” As a result very enjoyable entertainment, very nice accents of the series B, it seems to me that this is not the same as the concept of s’étouffe un tantinet et que la fraicheur du Premiere Film, which represents brutal cruelty. L’autre souci, c’est qu’il est sorti quasiment à la même period qu’Indiana Jones et al. Royal Crane de Cristal and what he sees in Louis, a man who does not notice the scales, as a result of the disappearance of a four-three-year adventure in India.

Please note that one more set Mommy It was earlier when he broke out of Peru that he most decided that he needed to reboot the computer to create the Dark Universe. Pas sûr qu’on and that’s not all the changes. In the end, Mummy 3 c’est pas fou, et le public n’a pas été franchement séduit (the film cost 145 million, bien plus que les precédents, et a peine franchi la barre des 400 million). More This is the third time you’ll find a yeti at the bottom of the basket, and that’s the start of the prize.

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