Precautions against possible tick bites

Meeting of Castile and Leon This Saturday, he issued an advisory to his citizens. The autonomous government stressed the need to take extreme measures. precautions to avoid contact with ticks, because while most tick bites are harmless, some are They can have serious health consequences.

These insects usually live in the ground, usually hidden in the grass or bushes. In addition, each species has different habitat preferences: some are common in forested areas, others prefer open areas with pastures or even dry bushes, and some have adapted to life inside the burrows of their owners or in human structures, such as enclosures. . lMost tick species are active during the warmer months. from spring to autumn, since very low temperatures cause them to become inactive, and severe frosts greatly reduce their population.

As it is now There is no protective vaccine. To avoid tick bites while walking in the field, the Council makes a number of recommendations. Among them are: Wear dark clothing that covers your ankles and arms, and closed shoes with socks. making sure they cover the bottom of your pants, walk along the center of the tracks if possible to avoid contact with surrounding vegetation, avoid sitting on the floor in areas with vegetation, use approved repellents And if you go for a walk with a pet, it is advisable to use an approved external antiparasitic agent.

At the end of the day it is recommended conduct a thorough self-examination of the body upon arrival home, find immobile ticks for prompt removal, as the transmission of infections in the first hours is very low. If you remove it yourself, it must be done by pulling it out with fine-tipped tweezers. If you have any difficulties or doubts about removing a tick, contact a medical center.where the check mark will be correctly removed. Similarly, it is necessary to observe the following days and if fever, rash, muscle pain or red spots on the skin appear, you should consult a doctor.

It is worth remembering that Only a small percentage of tick bites cause complications, and not all ticks carry diseases or bite people. In Spain, the most common tick-borne infectious diseases are Mediterranean spotted fever and Lyme disease and Debone. In addition, they have been described sporadically cases of tourlemia and Crimean-Congo fever. In September 2016, the first human case linked to contact with a tick was diagnosed in the province of Avila, and a second case was diagnosed in a health worker who treated him in Madrid. In later studies, Ticks caught on wild animals have been confirmed to contain the Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus. in various municipalities of the autonomous communities of Extremadura, Castilla y León, Castilla y León and Madrid.

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