Presentation of the “3R Gaztea” program


Next Wednesday, January 17, at 9:30 in Bizkaia Aretoa (Sala Baroja) there will be a presentation of the 3R GAZTEA program. The call will be for an initiative to support the employment of young people and will be aimed at people who have graduated from UPV/EHU in the last three years and are unemployed or wishing to improve their employability, who will benefit from orientation, activation and labor mediation that improve employability . This year, 160 people have signed up and will be accompanied by a mentor who will help them throughout the process.

The event will include:

  • Fernando Tapia, Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Employment at UPV/EHU.
  • Susana Gonzalez, Director of Employment, Provincial Council of Vizcaya.
  • Erlanz Allur, Director of Internships, Dual Education and Employment at UPV/EHU.

Event program:

9:00/9:30: Reception and control of participants.

9:30/9:40: 3R GAZTEA Vision of UPV/EHU

9:40/9:50: ·R GAZTEA Vision of the Provincial Council of Vizcaya

9:50/10:00: Program Goals

10:00/10:30: Discussion table with an entrepreneur from a 3R and digital solutions company on the talent cycle. Moderator: Erlanz Allur

10:30/11:10: Motivational talk about employment

11:10: Closing of the event and group photography on the terrace.

More information here.

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