prevention campaign launched by AZAYCA for World Prostate Cancer Day

On the occasion of World Prostate Cancer Day, AZAYCA has prepared several promotional brochures informing men about the need for prostate monitoring from age 50. within the framework of prevention campaigns planned by the association.

Some brochures that make the idea clear: “Do not let go!”. Moreover, they insist on the importance of early diagnosis this cancer and retell everything symptoms to prevent it:

– Urinary urgency, urge to urinate, or even involuntary loss of urine.

– Increased frequency of urination. Nocturia (having to get up to urinate repeatedly while resting at night).

– Dysuria (painful urination).

– Delayed onset of urination.

– Reduced strength of the urine stream or its intermittency. Urinary retention. Dribbling after emptiness. Feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder.

– Discharge of bloody urine or semen.

– There are some common symptoms, such as loss of weight or appetite, pain in the pelvic bones and/or back, anemia, swelling of the lower extremities and kidney failure, which usually appear in the later stages of the disease.

Also highlighted are the following Prevention factors:

– Quit the habit of smoking and avoid smoking areas.

– Avoid a sedentary lifestyle and exercise regularly.

– Avoid alcohol.

– Maintain a healthy body fat percentage (avoid obesity)

– Healthy food.

In short, an initiative that tries to raise awareness and prevent very common disease in a male society.

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