PS5 Pro scalpers are getting a taste of their own medicine. Sony console is being sold at a loss – PlayStation 5

The PS5 Pro’s arrival on the market didn’t cause the same stock issues or demand as much as what we saw with PlayStation 5 in the first months of its existence on the market. At that time, gamers who wanted to get into the current generation of consoles found themselves almost no options buy a PS5, and the few offers that were available were bundles with quite high price. This situation was very different from new equipment from Sony.

This did not happen with the PlayStation 5 Pro, since the console itself is expensive and It is available in stores because there is enough inventory to meet demand. PlayStation 5 Pro is the console that was bought by many speculators who thought that there would not be enough goods in stores. However, they were wrong and players in Europe and other regions of the world can buy it for 799 euros, but the reality is that resellers They will not be able to receive additional benefits.

Speculators, but already they suffer losses because they selling PS5 Pro on sites like Wallapop or eBay for 30-50 euros less than retail price. This led to speculators wanting to get rid of their shares even at a price lower than the official price in order to minimize losses. Despite this, there is one aspect that plays against PS5 Pro players, and that is lovers of the physical format.

The PS5 disc reader is out of stock.

This situation is in complete contrast to the serious problem faced by PS5 Pro users, namely: there is a disk reader practically exhausted in most stores in Spain. Sony needs to resolve the issue as soon as possible. out of stock to prevent the predominance of resale and speculation, as it is normal that you see this accessory above the recommended price of 120 euros. If you are one of those who need a disc drive for your PS5 Pro, we recommend waiting until stocks stabilize.

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