Public health warns of measles outbreak in Europe that could reach Navarre

Public health warns of measles outbreak in Europe that could reach NavarreCDC

The Institute of Public and Professional Health of Navarra has warned of a measles outbreak in Europe. could reach Navarre. In its latest epidemiological report, it recalls that It’s very contagious among unvaccinated people and at the first suspicion, the victim should be informed and isolated. However, there have been no confirmed cases in the Foral community since 2019.

On the occasion of this warning, ISPLN has issued a number of control measures:

1. Suspect the disease in anyone with a fever and maculopapular rash with at least one of these three symptoms: cough, rhinitis/rhinitis or conjunctivitis. In vaccinated people, the disease is possible, but much less common, and symptoms are usually less severe.

2. Immediate isolation and strict measures in case of suspected cases to avoid new infections.

-Wear a surgical mask for possible emergencies.

-People who are going to examine a patient must wear an FFP2 mask.

3. Urgent Notice to Public Health in case of suspicion by phone: 848 423466 / 848 421477. After hours by phone. 112 or telephone number. 620598903 and in the telephone network of the Government of Navarra at 51502. This notification is necessary in order to be able to apply appropriate preventive measures to the contacts of each case.

4. Microbiological confirmation. In all suspicious cases, request: urine, pharyngeal exudate and serum.

5. Recommendations for the patient: Ask him to stay at home, preferably in a ventilated area, until the end of the transfer period (4 days after the rash appears). If the patient must go to a health center or other public area, they will wear a surgical mask.

6. Full vaccination giving two doses of a triple viral vaccine to people born after 1971 who have no history of illness or contraindications to vaccination. These measures are especially important for people who we are going to travel to other countries in which the measles virus circulates. Given cases observed in other countries and autonomous communities, it is advisable to pay special attention to the vaccination status of health care workers and people born in countries with lower vaccination coverage, such as Romania, Ukraine and the countries of the former Soviet Union.

On the other hand, the number of diagnoses acute gastroenteritis have declined over the past week, although levels remain high 333 cases were considered in the field of primary health care. Among the 122 cases with an etiological diagnosis, campylobacter (39 cases), norovirus (26 cases), rotavirus (21 cases) and sapovirus (10 cases) stand out.


The section on respiratory viruses states that spread of Covid-19 It is low intensity and a steady trend. The incidence of acute respiratory infections in primary health care facilities was at the level 447 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, of which 8 per 100,000 corresponded to influenza syndrome and 129 per 100,000 to covid-19. They were confirmed by PCR. 78 cases of Covid-19of which 35 were hospitalized for this reason.

Additionally, two pediatric cases of respiratory syncytial virus infection were confirmed this week, one of which required hospitalization.

Finally it was not confirmed not a single case of flu.

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