Quitting smoking is possible

Walk: a recipe without the side effects of smoking

For many cigarette users, quitting smoking (or at least cutting down on cigarettes) is a perpetual good resolution that never materializes. Your concern is more than justified: according to the World Health Organization (WHO), 8 million people die from smoking-related causes worldwide every year. In Spain, for example, it kills about 60,000 people every year.

✒Ignacio Cuesta Lopez, Alba Gonzalez-Rose and Roberto Secades Villa

Quitting smoking is possible

Keys against smoking

It is normal that both politicians and health institutions make efforts and implement various actions (declaration End of the gamelegislative reforms…) to combat smoking.

Although most people quit smoking on their own (called self-change), there are effective alternatives for those who cannot quit without help. These include pharmacological treatment and cognitive behavioral psychological therapy.

But in addition, people who lead sedentary lifestyles can benefit from psychological interventions that are delivered by professionals and aimed at addressing various smoking circumstances, such as anxiety, stress and weight control.

At this stage, exercise not only benefits our physical and mental development, but also helps us develop healthy lifestyle habits. In particular, its practice helps to alleviate the symptoms of withdrawal symptoms: loss of energy, restlessness, irritability, loss of concentration, urge to smoke, symptoms of anxiety and low mood.

All of these factors are associated with greater difficulty in quitting smoking and a greater likelihood of relapse if a person has managed to abstain from smoking for some time.

It should also be taken into account that physical activity, especially if it is enjoyable, is usually an excellent strategy for occupying free time in a way that is incompatible or competitive with smoking.

20 minutes a day is enough

Often the word exercise brings up words such as “gym”, “lack of time”, “laziness”, “habit”… But we are not talking about running a marathon. It is enough to set aside a little more than 20 minutes every day for brisk walking, physical activity (aerobics) or muscle strength training, using your own weight or a weight corresponding to your physical condition.

In the case of smokers, we know that the percentage of those who do not meet the recommendations for healthy levels of physical activity (10,000 steps per day and at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity per week, according to WHO) is higher. than among the non-smoking population.

In addition, people who exercise regularly and smoke show a decrease in the number of cigarettes they smoke per day.

With the help of technology

In recent years, smoking treatment methods have included the use of technology. This is what is known as e-healtha broad area in which the use of mobile devices has become particularly popular.

At the Addictive Behavior Group of the University of Oviedo, where we conduct research and clinical work offering psychological treatments for smoking cessation, one of the pioneering studies in this area of ​​intervention in Spain is being developed.

To date, almost 80 people have been treated in our department, with a success rate – that is, complete cessation of the habit – of more than 60% within 6 weeks. Moreover, 100% of people reduce their consumption to an average of 11 cigarettes per day.

In this and other similar methods, the use of bracelets or activity watches increases the average time spent in moderate-to-vigorous intensity physical activity, which increases the likelihood of quitting smoking. Behind its effectiveness lies:

  • Consultation and supervision of a medical specialist.
  • Setting weekly training goals.
  • Ability to monitor the type and time of activity.
  • Combination with psychological therapy in a group format.

For a healthy life without smoking

We would not like to end this article without encouraging smokers to say goodbye to tobacco, either on their own or with the help of scientifically proven treatment. Our experience as therapists tells us that you won’t regret it.

Those readers who live in the Principality of Asturias can benefit from the psychological assistance offered at the University of Oviedo. Because this is framed as a research project, there is no cost involved. Those interested can obtain more information or request psychological help to quit smoking by calling 985 10 41 89 or by email (grupoca@uniovi.es).

Ignacio Cuesta Lopez, psychologist. Researcher in the field of addictive behavior, University of Oviedo; Alba Gonzalez-Rose, associate professor, physician, University of Oviedo and Roberto Secades Villa, professor of the department, University of Oviedo

This article was originally published on The Conversation. Read the original.

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