Racism rocks British campaign

Sunak responds to insult from Reform UK campaign volunteer who called him a “bloody Pakistani”

He PremiereRishi Sunak has admitted to feeling “hurt and upset” For Racist comments put on it by a campaign volunteer Reform UK And it was captured by a hidden camera in a program Channel 4 British. A man who identifies himself as andrew parker and who was taking part in populist Nigel Farage’s freak Clacton campaign “Shame on Pakistanis”,

Parker went even further, Criticism of Muslims to follow “a hateful cult” and proposed “kicking them all out of mosques and putting pubs in their place”. He also said the solution to ending migrant crossings across the English Channel was to “put some young army recruits on the beaches and Do target practice with them, just shoot them,

Essex Police are assessing the views expressed by Andrew Parker to determine whether “any criminal offence” has been committed. Parker has come to his defence and claimed he was “Specific comments made in the pub” and ensuring he has Muslim friends. He said, “I have never debated immigration with Nigel Farage and I apologise if my personal positions have damaged the party’s reputation.”

“Both of my daughters have had to see and hear the comments from people who campaigned with Farage,” Sunak said. “The fact is that UK candidates and volunteers are doing reform work Racist and misogynistic comments “That says a lot about the internal culture of the party.”

Keir Starmer, who has so far refrained from commenting on Farage, has said the incident is “Obviously racist” For the Reform UK founder, this is a “test of leadership”. “A leader must make sure the culture in his party is right and that everyone understands and respects it,” the Labour leader said.

“An actor for his salary”

Nigel Farage initially described Andrew Parker’s words as “appalling” and warned that “anyone who makes these sorts of comments will leave the campaign.” However, he reacted a few hours later and assured that the Channel 4 programme was a “complete setup” Parker is an “actor for hire”,

“I’ve seen his website and some of his videos and it’s clear he’s a well-trained actor,” Faraz said. “He’s able to speak an endless series of swear words. Nobody talks like that. You can tell.” been acting from the start,

A Channel 4 spokesperson responded, saying television crews found Andrew Parker Reformation UK Headquarters in Clacton and who took part in a door-to-door campaign to solicit votes for the party. The above spokesperson declared, “We defend our fair and rigorous journalism and let it speak for itself.”

Reform UK has emerged as the third political force in the British elections on July 4, equalling or slightly ahead of the Conservative Party in some polls. The Labour Party remains ahead 20 points ahead in survey,


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