Rapper The-Dream, password maker and producer of Rihanna and Beyoncé, accused of squeaking – Libération

Sexual violencedossier

The statement, released in Los Angeles on Tuesday, June 4, is a result of the violence, sexual assault and human trafficking committed by The-Dream. Il nie toutes these accusations “fausses et diffamatoires”.

Accusation of plus in American rap. Terius Gestilde-Diamant, a parolee and producer for celebrities such as Beyoncé and Rihanna under the name The-Dream, is cited in a complaint released Tuesday, June 4, in Los Angeles for assault, sexual aggression and human trafficking. selon New York Times. Playanant Chanaaz Mungro and her son named Channie Monroe are ancient collaborators of music.

On the plain, which was opened in 2015, Terius Gestilde-Diamant remained aloof from the habit of using a propeller in a quarry, in a restaurant with an unbalanced relationship between the two. This connection involves frequent violins, choking, and intimate videos that threaten participants when they “human trafficking” Gesteelde-Diamant does not advertise charges brought against people.

This simple image of ternite is omnipotent as sung by the famous rapper, American producer and Grammy Award winner. Il est notamment credit fill umbrellafrom Rihanna Oh Baby Justin Bieber and this famous collaborator of Beyoncé in 2008, he was part of the book and production Single ladies (Put a ring on it) and etc. Break my soul.

In Intimité, Chanaaz Mangro painted a picture of a man on the plains in Los Angeles as a cruel and manipulative man, capable of making the promise of celebrity and success to control women, resist sexual relations and girls. “Ce que Dream m’a Fait a Fait a détruit la possibilité d’une vie Telle que je voulais vivre, ainsi que d’une carrière de chanteuse et compositrice”, écrit-elle dans un communique, which corresponds exactly to the reasons that underlie this statement. “My silence est devenu trop douloureux, et j’ai compris que j’ai Kisso de dire mon histoire afin de guérir. “J’espere qu’en le faisant, cela en adera d’autres et empechera ce genre of violence.”

On the Plain she met again with Gesteelde-Diamant in 2014, presenting excerpts from the music. In January 2015, she goes to a meeting in Atlanta (dans l’État de Géorgie), where she will be a striptease and film producer. Il lui aurait alors “dit qu’il ferait d’elle prochain Beyoncé or Rihanna”. In the following days, aurait insisted that on the sofa with Louis, justifiably à la Plaignante que. “ça fait party du Processus.”

In the house you will find a studio or two workers, in a dark room the light is sick, and “n’aurait arrêté un Rapport Sexual Agressif que lorsqu’elle lui avait dit qu’elle l’aimait.” Other reports that auraient eu situ dans les jours suivants, au cours desquels le producteur la maintenait parfois au sol et refusait d’utiliser des preservatifs, cause protests. At the same time, the light began to dawn before the premiere of Beyoncé’s next tour.

Selon la Plate, Gesteelde-Diamant is something more than violence against the singer. Alors qu’il l’avait logée dans un hôtel, il aurait contrôlé chacun de ses motion, la reprimandant si elle ne restait pas en contacting avec lui, l’insultant et lui reprochant les delays due to Beyoncé’s missed album.

The lawsuit accuses également le producteur de lui avoir, consuming alcohol and marijuana against the gray, and de l’avoir Filmé lors d’une Sexuelle, facing the threat of distributing the video. Regulation, il l’aurait également mise En Joue avec une Arm à Feu Durant des Sexuelles, ce Qu’elle Interprétait Comme une une Election.

La plaignante a également reporté des faits de “movement of people”. Selon Hollywood Reporter, Mangroe aurait is forced to avoid sexual relations with rich men. Elle raconte également dans sa Plate Avoir été Force à faire une à Gesteelde-Diamant dans un Cinema, alors qu’un autre les les respects. In addition, in the late afternoon, a purple light appears on the move, supporting the sun and light.

The singer signed a contract with The-Dream Contra Paris label, as well as a distribution agreement with Epic Records, owned by Sony. Mangroe dit avoir signals the violence that was presented on Epic Records; on lui aurait alors repondu qu’elle “Devait find a moment to continue working.” with The-Dream. According to the company, the album will be released by Epic Records in July 2016, after Gesteelde-Diamant sent its merchandise to its label.

“(Toutes) ces accusations sont fausses et diffamatoires”, Terius Gestilde-Diamant responded in a communiqué. “I’m against all forms of rote work and I’m all about helping other people in their careers. “Uvrant to make a positive impact on artists and on the world, I have deep hair and I bless these accusations.”full set.

This is not the premiere when The-Dream is accused of violence against women. In 2014, he did this to avoid being hit and hit on foot, and that I wanted it to be my ex-little friend, as well as enceinte de huit mois. Prosecutors postpone the procedure until a later date, and they cannot prove that the cases were done reasonably.

Two defenders of Chanaaz Mangroe in one person represent Casandra Ventura, or Cassie, played by Sean Combs, rapper and connu sous le pseudo de Diddy, P-Diddy or Puff Daddy. This is a simple indication of equality of affairs “movement of people”. If this procedure is a fait accompli that the object of consent after a long day, the New York rapper surrenders with the object of five other plans for sexual aggression.

Selon les avocats de Chanaaz Mangroe, this plain “Encore un autre example de la façon dont les men dans l’industrie musice utilisent leur pouvoir et leur effect pour manipuler et blesser autrui.”

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