“Reality is the only truth”: Christina Kirchner’s new response to Javier Miley After the President’s “guilty pardon”

Christina Fernandez De Kirchner On Monday, the President responded to Javier Miley on social networks, after which he sarcastically apologized for saying in a television interview that he would like to “hammer the last nail into the drawer of Kirchnerism, inside Cristina.” The former president did not understand that it was a metaphor. “Your guilty apology, as well as ridiculous, about metaphors and I don’t know what else, was not necessary”The CKF responded on social networks, describing the far-right as “a person who Presents a strong and symptomatic disconnect between what he does and says,

In a lengthy message she shared “Expressions such as ‘salaries and pensions are outpacing inflation’ or ‘from now on we are only going to get good news’ have been expressed in the same program of nails, drawers and inside Christina; They are revealing diagnoses: don’t take charge of anything” he noted.

“The truth of the Milanese,” the CFK continued in its response to the leader of La Libertad Avanza, “is that “In the Argentina that you are building, only the financial sector and the energy sector guarantee extraordinary profits.”,

However, the former president warned him, the government support that Miley is now providing to the benefit sectors at the expense of the middle class and lower-income populations will not last forever. ,When you have completed your dirty work of destroying the state, the people and making work uncertain, then those who today applaud you colloquially for insulting a dead person will drop your hand and abandon you as Is done. With gadgets that can only be used once“, CFK made a sly comment, saying that it was actually a metaphor. “Or did you not realize by the title they gave you colloquially that you went to be a whore? (60th IDEA Colloquium: ‘If Not Now, Then When’)”, he added candidly.

Then, He reminded that – in practice – the President agreed to the proposals Which the former President did on April 27 at the Quilmes event, which he led Poor management in energy matters. ,You kicked ass but in the end you had to fire the person in charge of the area and Macri finally started groping you,” he called him out in reference to the appointment. Of Maria Tettamanti as the new Energy Secretary, although Macri’s entourage says she is not a representative of the PRO in the government and that Mieli chose her because of her connections with some businessmen in the energy sector.

In extensive tweets, the CFK also reminded her that she and Macri were the only presidents elected by ballot and that, on the other hand, she was elected in the first round “without anyone giving their vote”. “You will not try to take charge of Alberto’s measures. You know better than anyone whether the President has a pen and if not, ask Villarruel,” he said in response to criticism of the government of Alberto Fernández, whom Miley Usually repeat, including them for CFK.

Following his two leadership terms as President, CFK reviewed, “We doubled the middle class, which is what you’re missing (and that’s not a metaphor).Salaries were adequate for Argentines and they could also save. We got the country out of debt, restructured and paid off the debt on which others had defaulted and even canceled the IMF loan. As of December 9, 2015, the country’s risk was half of our risk today.”

After the review, he attacked again: “But then who came? Toto Caputo (your current minister) and Macri, who got Argentina back into debt and eventually brought back the IMF With an unprecedented debt of $57 billion. Reality is the only truth. “They can call it whatever they want, but that’s what happened and that’s what they’ll never forgive me for.”

And he concluded with a happy birthday wish: “I know it’s your 54th birthday. Have a great day, Miley.”

Christina Kirchner’s New Perfect Response to Miley

I read your long post last night, Miley.

To shorten it. Your guilty apology about metaphors and whatnot, while funny, was not necessary. I always take things as they come. In your case, the case of a person who presents a strong and characteristic dissociation between his actions and his words; And what impact his words and government measures have on the daily lives of millions of Argentines.

Expressions such as “Salaries and pensions are outpacing inflation” or “From now on we will only have good news” were expressed in the same programs of Nell, Drawer and Inside Christina; They’re revealing diagnosis: not taking charge of anything.

The Milanese truth is that in the Argentina you are building, it is only the financial sector and the energy-related sectors that have guaranteed extraordinary profits. When you have completed your dirty work of destroying the state, the people and making work uncertain, then those who today applaud you colloquially for insulting a dead person will drop your hand and abandon you as Is done. With gadgets that can only be used once (see? Now that’s a metaphor). Or did you not realize the title they gave you colloquially when you went to be a prostitute? (60th IDEA Colloquium: “If Not Now, Then When”).

I don’t want things to go bad for my country. On April 27, from Quilmes, I told you that the energy sector was bad. You kicked out but ended up having to knock out the guy in charge of the area and McCree started groping you. Ultimately…

As for your famous nonsense about the governments in which I was President (you will not try to take charge of Alberto’s measures. You know better than anyone that the President has a pen and if not, Villaruel), I clarify that they elected me president twice without anyone casting their vote. You and Macri are the only presidents who were elected by ballot.

When I completed my second term (after winning re-election with 55% of the votes in the first round), the Plaza de Mayo said goodbye to us in a unique event in our history. We’ve doubled the middle class, which is what you’re missing (and that’s not a metaphor). Salaries were adequate for Argentines and they could also save. We got the country out of debt, restructured and paid off the debt on which others had defaulted and even canceled the IMF loan. As of December 9, 2015, the country’s risk was half what it is today.

But then who came? Toto Caputo (your current minister) and Macri, who put Argentina back in debt and brought back the IMF with an unprecedented loan of $57 billion. Reality is the only truth.

They can say whatever they want, but this is what happened and they will never forgive me for it.

I know it’s your 54th birthday, have a great day, Miley.

News in development.


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