Reform of the project of the new football stadium “Elda”: 15 million euros of investment, 10,000 seats and commercial space, but without a hotel and underground parking

ALICANTE. What Elda The construction of a new football stadium is not only a goal, but also already close to reality.

This will be possible thanks to the reformulation of the project originally proposed Eldense and solidarity Town Hall, Deputation from Alicante And Generalitatwhich will join forces to cover investments estimated at 15 million euros, of which the council is prepared to allocate just over half.

There are still many administrative hoops to overcome, so much so that it is not expected that works will be awarded until the second quarter of 2025, but when the actors involved are willing to dig into their pockets…

Unlike the original idea, which did not go beyond the preliminary stage of the project and envisaged the construction of a stadium with 18,000 seats, equipped with underground parking for 3,000 cars, as well as a hotel and retail area, the above-mentioned parking is no longer provided, nor the hotel is closed, and The capacity of the new facility is reduced to 10,000 seats. The preliminary project, the development of which has not yet begun, but the general lines have already been defined, provides for up to a dozen commercial premises with an area of ​​​​70 to 100 square meters with a facade facing the street. Olympic Avenue. Moreover, although the space occupied today “old” Pepiko Amat will still be intended to house the city’s new football stadium, its planned characteristics will mean that, for example, the adjacent site, which is also municipally owned and assigned as a stadium by Eldense a few months ago, will not be affected. for his first team.

Despite the planned reduction in capacity, the new facility will exceed the capacity of the “old” Pepico Amat by 2,000 places, and the expanded (preliminary) by 4,000. New Pepiko Amat.

It is worth keeping in mind that Eldense’s main roster raises the issue of his consistency in the lineup. professional football. That is, in season 2024/25 will also compete in La Liga Hypermovement. This required adaptation of the New Pepico Amat to the requirements already last summer Leaguebut is of a temporary nature (capacity, for example, was increased by placing additional stands) and thanks to the moratorium declared by the Spanish Professional Football Association to all those clubs that join it due to the sporting success of their teams.

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