Rihanna: “I’m very simple this year at the Met…”
Fans could make a huge coup. In the official communiqué issued by your agent, Rihanna vient de faire taire les rumeurs: yes, the star is involved in life Met Gala On May 6 we will go to New York. After several days, the issue remains valid. The young mother of the second petty garçon, Riot Rose Myers, not at a later time, when he is preparing a grand party for his son, la star laissait encore planer le doute quant à sa prosence officielle dans l’incontournable Rendez-vous mode de l’année. The theme of the evening and the association’s dress code resemble a philosophical dissertation: “Sleeping Beauties: The Revival of Fashion,” as well as “Les Beautés Endarmies: Réveiller La Mode.”
Also Rihanna in the tranche. Like this, The mode icon leads directly to the most important things. Complete the extravaganzas and gatherings, come out of the tiaras, complete the lush and lengthy trains. As an option, you can choose two robes that you can keep. “I’m pretty simple this year,” says the Fenty creator. Cela va surtout dependre de ce que mon maquillage et mes cheveux auront décidé de faire ce jour-là… “, a même plaisanté la star.
Album in preparation?
Et la musique dans tout ça? They are more recent album, Anti, date when meme deja deja de 2016 and others, as well as some of the original groups from the films and other long footage, as well as others. After positive turns in the water, ilsemblerait that it was so good ! After arriving in Paris, Marie’s son, Rocky and confirmation as soon as possible
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“Jeus m’amuser et montrer vraiment où j’en suis à ce moment de ma vie,” confirmed Rihanna. With the announcement of the singer’s participation at the Met Gala, voila Pluto has a good week for fans.