Robert De Niro is still going strong, Salma Hayek has released… Photos from Penelope Cruz’s 50th birthday

Penelope Cruz is celebrating her 50th birthday in great company. On Monday, April 29, the Spanish superstar posted a series of photos on Instagram and showed her posing with the names of celebrities.

An actress with a bougie prompter in the company of singer Rosalia, American actor Robert De Niro, his assistant at Ferrari. Adam Driver and the son of fetish realist Pedro Almodovar. Maggie Gyllenhaal, Salma Hayek, Matt Damon, Irina Shayk Ricky Martin and his son are great, Javier Bardem is the life of the party. “Thank you for this amount of love!” Santé à tous! “, the legendary mother of Leonardo (13) and Luna (10).

Burberry’s artistic director Riccardo Tisci posted a video on Instagram. “What a new magic… We are about to tell you something by chance. Happy anniversary,” at-it-crit. In her comment, Katie Guetta thinks it’s the stylist’s anniversary…

Penelope Cruz will be on the poster for Maggie Gyllenhaal’s 2025 film The Bride, which meets the Frankenstein monster scene created by Mary Shelley in Frankenstein: Or, the Modern Prom.

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