Roxana Marasineanu, Marc Maury, Adele Castillon… Ils porteront la flamme flamme dans les Hauts-de-Seine
Dorina Goth
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They are gliding all over the long merchandise journey on July 24, 2024, and 200 people took part in it. Olympic relay race in Haute-Seine.. Among the days of the flame in the department, Paris, 2024, is dedicated to the list of people who slide along the parme les porters. Ancient ministers or athletes, actors, singers… Discover the people who work in the Upper Seine.
Two ancient ministers of sports
They have sporting achievements and have not yet entered politics. Ancient Ministers of Sport Roxana Maracineanu and etc. Chantal Jouanno Seront parmi les porteurs de prestigieux de this Journée.
The premiere will take place at the premiere in So. World champion in swimming Between 2018 and 2022, I was involved in the political support for the Paris 2024 Games during the transition to the Ministry of Sport between 2018 and 2022.
Second, old karatekawas Sarkozy’s sports minister from 2010 to 2011. Elle will be at the competition in Marne-la-Coquette.
Tracksuits in Sevres
In Sevres, the passanists of Verront will achieve success in the good name of the sport. Ancient champion of handball Olivier Giraudd’abord, puis la Championne d’Europe for dancing on glass Nathalie Pechalatancient 15th century French amateur and animator Marc Maury, a tennis and hand sports enthusiast. Pauline Derouled and the ancient joy of PSG Lor Bullo.
From the Stars to Gennevilliers
The inhabitants of Gennevilliers were not left alone. Lors du pass de la flamme, ils pourront appreciator taekwondo champion, Pascal Gentile, southern movie star Kang Hui and la singer Adele Castillon.
Finally, it seems that the approach of the Great Arch of Defense was released, the old President of Medef, Geoffroy Roux de Béziers Son’s troker costume for the traditional désormais tenue blanche.
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