Russia has obtained a “worrying” emerging anti-satellite weapon, according to US intelligence

Russia criticized the reports as a ploy by the US government to increase military aid to blockaded Ukraine.


The Biden administration publicly confirmed on Thursday that Russia has acquired a “troubling” emerging anti-satellite weapon, but said it could not directly cause “physical destruction” on Earth.

White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said that US intelligence services have information that Russia has acquired this capability, but the said weapon is not currently operational.

US officials are reviewing information about the emerging technology and have consulted with allies and partners.

“First of all, this is not an active, deployed capability, and while Russia’s discovery of this particular capability is worrisome, it poses no immediate threat to anyone’s security,” Kirby said.

“We are not talking about a weapon that could be used to attack humans or cause physical destruction on Earth.”

The White House confirmed the information on Wednesday after a vague warning from Ohio Congressman Mike Turner, the Republican head of the House Intelligence Committee, who urged the Biden administration to make public the information he described as a serious threat to national security. Was.

White House move

Kirby said that when Turner issued his “regrettable” statement, the process of reviewing and declassifying information on Russian capabilities was underway.

“We are very careful and deliberate about what we decide to declassify, downgrade, and share with the public,” he said.

Russia has downplayed US concerns about this capability.

In Moscow, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov described claims of new Russian military capability as a ploy aimed at wooing the US Congress for aid to Ukraine.

“It is clear that Washington is trying to force Congress to vote on the aid bill,” Peskov said in comments reported by Russian news agencies.

“Let’s see what move the White House makes.”

This capability is space-based and would violate an international space treaty, which has been signed by more than 130 countries, including Russia.

The White House said it would try to talk directly to the Russians on the matter. Although the White House tried to reassure Americans, Kirby acknowledged that this was a serious matter.

“I don’t want to underestimate the possibility of disruption,” Kirby said.

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