Sainte-Adèle by the end of 2023 with a surplus of $3.4 million.

Simon Cordo (local journalism initiative)

Marys Sainte-Adèle Michelle Lalonde presented her 2023 financial report at the discretion of the City Council on Monday, June 17th. The city ended the year with a surplus of $3.4 million. The annual total budget is $35.8 million. “For four years in a row the city of Sainte-Adèle recorded a surplus, etc., malgret une baisse des revenus de droits demutation, qui sont de retour à la normale, après une flambee important au cours des années precédentes,” This is a joy, Madame Lalonde.

Les Revenus de la Taxe Foncière et la dette à l’ensemble, it generated a surplus of $842,225. Mutation rights, while very high, also generated a surplus of $956,585. Residual and aqueduct prices add up to a surplus of $127,414. “Les dépenses d’opérations ont été moins élevées que prevu, nous permettant d’épargner $448,171, ce qui temoigne d’une grande administration rigueur”, ajoute la mairesse.

Parmy invests 11.3 million dollars made by par-la-Ville, Ms. Lalonde mentions the creation of a pluvial pond and a basin to retain pents 40-80, reflection of the streets Valiquette, Morin, Lantier and du Chêne-du-Paysant, construction of a new chalet on Lake Ronde and two vehicles for comfort.

The financial report for 2023 is available on the Ville de Sainte-Adèle website.

Octroy contracts

We advise you to enter into a contract for the repair of routes on Skier and Shantovan streets. Celui-ci is 1.3 M$. Il s’agit de refaire l’asphalte et l’aqueduc.

The council also awarded a $7,750 contract for pre-design services for a new permanent stage at Family Park. The stage is old and has not been replaced.

He advised Octroye to contract for the design of the restoration of the Richer Dam. The $1.2 million rule was adopted for research, plans, development and work on the Paquette barrier on Latour Street.

Ruverte Beach

The beach at Lac Ronde is open after June 15th. If you walk down Rue Beauchamp and follow Rue Beauchamp, the tarmac on Chanticleer Road is not the end point.

Consultant intervention

Councilor Richard Allard urged motorists to be patient and polite. Les travaux sur l’autoroute 15 ont amené cont amené à duire avec vitesse et agressivité dans la ville, at-il deploré.

Advisor Ariel Boden is a soulful beauty programmer for people who want it. Les P’tits jeudis ensoleillés presenteront four free points for young girls during l’été. “Les citayens peuvent” also organize quarterly celebrations and organize a baladel for evening recovery.

Councilman Alexander Laganier issued a “call for love” to municipal employees. I’m sorry about the comments on social media. Il Appelé les Cytoyens à Faire Preuve d’indulgence et de Solidarité.

Councilor Jean-François Robillard supported all the beautiful people.

Consultant Gaetan Gagne helped to congratulate Tresorière Julie Brazeau and his son, who is preparing to work and explain to public financiers.

Finally, consultant David Huggins-Dane said he was a Mois de l’eau. Il Appelé les Cytoyens à Prendre Consente de la valeur de l’Eau Pille et à éviter son gaspillage.

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