Salma Hayek celebrates Francois-Henri Pinault’s 62nd birthday

After viewing photos and videos of souvenirs from last year’s Cannes 2024 festival, Salma Hayek offers a tender declaration of love to the son of François-Henri Pinault, who has been famous for 62 years. “Que Dieu bénisse le jour où tu es né, mon amour,” the actress’s Instagram bio reads.

With 28 million followers, the actress said she has her head in the clouds as she’s been enamored with you for 15 years. “I will thank you for your endless love and laugh at the fact that you m’appportes quotidiennement. Joyeux anniversaire mon roi”, conclut-elle. In the comments, a certain David Beckham calls himself the Queen-Empress of François-Henri Pinault, “Joyeux anniversaire” and sobrement écrit l’ancien Footballeur Professional.

Rebuilt family

In a couple after the events of 2000, Salma Hayek and François-Henri Pinault filent toujours le parfait amour. It’s the centerpiece of the Cannes Film Festival’s main “red slippers” ensemble, and it’s still a few days away.

In 2009, he updated “Leurs vœux dix”, and later in the presence of a unique girl, Valentina (16 years old). From their point of view, François-Henri Pinault is equally the père de trois enfants issus de précédentes relations, François (26 years old), Mathilde (22 years old) and Augustin (18 years old).

A restored family that…

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