Salma Hayek’s declaration of love to Francois-Henri Pinault
The Mexican actress, who was married to a Frenchman for 15 years, paid tribute to her social partners on April 25.
Not a single specific case that was explained to Salma Hayek was published on Instagram, April 25. Perhaps simply sending partners is the experience of marital relationships that was the celebration at age 15 and marriage to François-Henri Pinault on Valentine’s Day. Perhaps it’s just a rush of love. Elle qui écrit in publication: “Il n’y a pas de mots pour expliquer la bénédiction de trouver son âme sour.” Pour ceux qui l’ont trouvée, ne la prenez jamais pour acquise. Pour everything that was never left in my life.” L’actrice fait ensuite reférence “à l’un des plus beaux jours de (sa) vie” for the illustrations of the photographs that accompany it in the mail. Les images la montre le jour de son mariage avec l’homme d’affair français, qu’elle aépousé à la mairie du 6e arrondissement, in Paris, February 14, 2009.
“I have a phobia of everyone who touches marriage.”
Deux ans avant de se dire “oui”, Salma Hayek and Marie’s son, ensemble in 2006, available for premiere children’s ensemble. The petite girl, Valentina Paloma’s first child, died on September 21, 2007. François-Henri Pinault died shortly after having three children. François (December 22, 1997) and Mathilde (February 20, 2002) are all his first marriages to Dorothy Leper. Their three children, Augustine James, were born in 2006 to their marriage to Linda Evangelista, who went public in 2011 and later claimed a pension.
In 2018, Salma Hayek and her son updated Leurs vœux de mariage, et depuis, la Flame semble toujours brûler, also fort. It is important to note that the conjunction “jour de leur” is a bien failli ne jamais voir le jour. In February 2023, the 57-year-old actress will actually appear in the American edition. Glamor, comment ses proches l’ont en fait piégée pour la mener à ce mariage. “C’était comme une Intervention, explique-t-elle au Magazine. I didn’t think I’d ever heard of this story. Ils m’ont juste emmenée à la mairie. My parents, my brother, they are plotting against me. I have a phobia about touching marriage. “C’est pour cela que c’était un mariage à la mairie, parce qu’ils m’ont traînée la-bas.” On the day when the actress did not regret that she was entitled to the last publication dedicated to her son, “I am my sister.”