Samsung announces its smart TVs will get updates for 7 years, so you won’t have to replace your TV

Samsung once again demonstrates that for the company user satisfaction This is the most important thing. And he does this by announcing that his TVs will have updates for at least 7 years. This means that for a long time we will not have to think about replacing TVs. This is very good news!

A while back, Samsung announced that its new Galaxy S24 smartphone would come with a seven-year warranty on updates and stay active for much longer than anyone could have imagined. The market was happy and applauded the decision taken Korean company. Now they are also bringing this philosophy to television as a great way to combat planned obsolescence.

On models from 2023

The logical thing to do would be for Samsung to announce a refresh period based on the new TVs it has launched this year. But the company hasn’t just gone back to Previously released models in the first half of the year, but also mentioned that 2,023 screens would be included.

Woman watching TV on smart screen using Tizen

It is not yet clear which 2023 models will receive the seven-year support, but it is known that in 2024 it will be those that went on sale in March. Thus, Samsung increases its commitments with the public and ensures that the operating system of these TVs will continue to be updated so that they can be enjoyed as well as on day one.

Updates to increase market share

Samsung your point of view has changed a lot how they manage their TVs in recent years. Previously, the updates that Smart TVs received from the manufacturer were usually limited to solving or eliminating bugs and avoiding security issues. The operating system was not the most updated element in terms of improving its performance, making improvements or including new features that could increase user satisfaction. But the company has changed its policy, intending to provide screen owners with the best and thus gain market share.

One additional reason is continued competition from Chinese manufacturers, whose TVs are cheaper and gaining ground in the sector. Samsung has better displays, but the company knows it must meet user needs in a more efficient way. So, updates for your Tizen Smart TVs will probably receive an average of six updates over this seven-year period. This is more than enough to reach a level of quality commensurate with the popularity of the brand.

Presentation of Samsung TV with Tizen

At the same time, Samsung wants your TVs with Tizen to become the main control point in the home when it comes to artificial intelligence devices. The company’s plan is to make it easy for users to control their entire home environment from the big screen, while relaxing on the couch. They are on the right track, as more than 270 million Samsung TVs are already equipped with Tizen OS, their own operating system with which they compete with other platforms such as webOS or Android TV.

While there are still many details to be clarified at this point, such as the 2023 models that will receive the update, it looks like the next new version of Tizen OS will be announced in January 2025. This will be at CES event where Samsung has always had a strong presence and which it may use to announce everything its TV users are waiting for. They hope to regain market share and gradually push back the Chinese brands whose TVs are taking up an ever-increasing share of the market.

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