Scarlett Johansson and Channing Tatum, stars of the film “To the Moon”

Conquer space, coup de mer, jeux de pouvoir… Film to the moonwhere the film is scheduled to be released on July 10, 2024, it has been upgraded. Cerise sur l’égateau? The characters are played by the attractive duo of actors Scarlett Johansson and Channing Tatum.

Scarlett Johansson and Channing Tatum to Star in Upcoming Greg Berlanti Film

Debut in 1960, in the plenary war. Although scientific research has not ceased, the États-Unis continue to move in the course to the space to deceive the Premier, paying to Atteindre La Lune – and this further doubles the Soviet Union. In a political context, it has become more active, new figures have crept into the shadows…

The image of a certain Kelly Jones, the embodied marketer for the actress Scarlett Johansson – Brief description in excellent countryside Prada for son Gallery, film at face value Jonathan Glazer. Star performance in a comedy-realizer Greg Berlanti title to the moon and wait for the cinematic outing on July 10, 2024.

Upload image POT In these times of worry and, of course, the struggle against the whole world, this dernière se heurte aux reticences Cole DavisApollo 11 mission director as interpreted by an actor Channing Tatum.

Movie Announcement to the moon (2024).

to the moona film about NASA and love

A thriller in suspense, the film is a real comedy that goes behind the scenes of the adventures organized by NASA in 1969. Alunissage au cas où la Mission échouerait.

Among the costumes inspired by sixtiesPouvoir games and seduction games, to the moon the announcement is like one of the blockbusters of the show – in particular, the elegance of the two main characters, young guys, formed a very sexy duet Scarlett Johansson and etc. Channing Tatumenters into a love relationship that adds new relief to this intrigue…

To the Moon (2024) by Greg Berlanti starring Scarlett Johansson and Channing Tatum, in theaters July 10, 2024.

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