Scarlett Johansson, as the magnifying glass of her dreamers and the actress who was in the place of the meme, received an Oscar for her performance

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Scarlett Johansson, as the magnifying glass of her dreamers and the actress who was in the place of the meme, received an Oscar for her performance

Another audition so that it comes to me in the best possible way. Such is the case with Scarlett Johansson, who is not a pas parvenue à décrocher un the role que lui tenait à cœur, a role that is allowed to the son of a translator-reporter and has won an Oscar.

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Scarlett Johansson continues to pursue her acting craft, she is an Australian singer who has died. It was one of two albums in 2008 and 2009. That’s all that was natural when she auditioned for the musical, but most of all, the role of Louis felt dated.

The moment of laryngitis in the feast

Among the actors and actresses of Tom Hooper’s Les Miserables, Tom Hooper’s adaptation of the famous meme novel under the pseudonym Victor Hugo, Scarlett Johansson attends an audition for the role of Fantine. Despite a certain lack of vocals, the artist said that she has a three-hour chance. “J’ai chanté avec beaucoup de passion. “J’ai fait l’essai avec une laryngite. “J’ai fait tout ce que je pouvais pour ne pas être bad.” La suite, on la connait, she did not reveal her role and it was Anne Hathaway who was her choice. Mays Johansson is not a runner, he can admit in the suite that his colleague’s performance is magnificent:

Rethinking the film today, I will tell you that this performance has never happened to me. It’s a parfait and I thought it was a man of destiny. But my favorite audition was at the “casting” for Les Misérables for young Cosette (when I was little) and it was fun for a re-imaginer.

Scarlett Johansson

Three Oscars and mitigés avis

The criticism of this new version of Les Misérables is a lot, but in France or many others it is consistent with the film’s lack of respect for the essence of Victor Hugo’s novel. “Unhappy, yes, lonely.” Pouvait-on notamment lire dans le Colons de Télérama.

The film is still poised for success with recipes in the World Office Box, which is available for $441,809,770. At the 2013 Oscars, he won best character with three statuettes, but Anne Hathaway won best actress in a supporting role. If you never see it, know that the film is available south of streaming platforms.

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