Scarlett Johansson is ready to star in Jurassic World 4

Jurassic World 4 starring Scarlett Johansson is currently in pre-production. The American star will finally be joining the franchise again after trying for over 10 years to get involved.

Jurassic World 4 : The new team faces additional dinosaurs

Following a series of three films (2015, 2018, 2022) Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard saga Jurassic World (a set of Jurassic Park) pours out as a four-part opus. Announcement of the day Jurassic World 4 This is tombée in January dernier, and then on vacation to find out the details of the author of the blockbuster prochain. La première bonne nouvelle n’a pas tardé, puisqu’il a tout de suite été precisé que David Koepp, staged two premieres Jurassic Park, use the developer charger for the new film. Un majeur ajout étant donné que dernier Jurassic World There are criticisms about this script.

Another Jurassic World 4 writer plays the role of Gareth Edwards (Rogue One: A Star Wars Story) in implementation. And during the casting, the first names announced were (un peu) Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard. Jonathan Bailey (Bridgerton star), Rupert Friend and Mahershala Ali were in the process of avoiding being eaten by a T. rex, all together. Scarlett Johansson, the biggest name so far in this hand. The presence of the actress who is Anne’s pendant. Black Widow MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) is not a risk, but the most envied are the comedic actors involved in the saga.

Scarlett Johansson, a fan of long dates

Essentially, in this interview, Scarlett Johansson announced her last interview. Comic. Film promotion to the moon (in the hall on July 10), a comedy explained qu’elle était”Join a huge Jurassic Park fan“. Ainsi, everything is in the project Jurassic World 4 l’avait motivée.

This is one of the first films that reminds me of your cinema. Je m’en souviens si clairement. Make the changes on Friday. C’était époustouflant. I can’t experience what I want to say.

The actress is all in one place and she says she is “veritable.”nerd“parapport à cette franchise, qu’elle a” attempt to reunite after more than 10 years. The lady of the faire party was unreal for her.

Cela fait plus de 10 an que j’essaie de faire party de this franchise for all possible. Je disais: “Je peux mourir dans les cinq premières s’il faut!” Je peux me faire dévorer par n’importe quoi! O même m’occuper du service dans les coulisses! I can’t import what I need. The fact that Cela is such a product at this time has incredible value. Je n’arrive pas à y croire.

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