Science Backs Steve Jobs’ 10 Minute Rule

The late Steve Jobs, inventor of Apple, recommended when he was still alive to take a 10-minute break to help the brain and stimulate the intellect in those moments when we are faced with some difficulty, problem or obstacle.

“A long walk was his favorite mode of serious conversation,” said his biographer Walter Isaacson. Now, It seems science is right following the publication of a study by the North American business journal Inc. in which several neuroscientists confirm the effectiveness of this method.

What is the 10 minute rule?

The advice Jobs gave when we encountered a problem, for example: lack of inspiration at work, A ten-minute walk will help activate your brain.

Years later, Mithu Storoni, a Cambridge University-trained neuroscientist, confirmed his theory by discovering a number of tricks that helped the brain function much better. “My CEO has made it a rule that if he’s sitting at the computer with a problem he can’t solve within 10 minutes, he gets up from his desk and goes for a walk.”The parties stated.

Unlike muscles, which can generally be continued to be tensed to achieve better physical results, the same does not happen with the brain. Actuallytoo much effort can lead to saturation of this organ, especially in those activities that require creativity.

Except, Walking helps us think of new ideas and keeps us from getting stuck in the same thing. Because when we walk, we have to be attentive to what is happening around us, says this theorist. “You can’t ruminate because your attention can’t stay on one issue for long because you also have to pay attention to where you’re going,” Storoni notes.

For the Party, “The way you move your body changes the way your mind thinks.” “Walking keeps you alert so you don’t fall asleep, feel sluggish, or look at your phone. But at the same time, it forces your attention to move because the environment moves as you walk, so your attention may not actually be focusing on anything. So he gets into your head, examines your problems and tries to solve them in different ways,” he finally emphasized.

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