Scientists talk about “before” and “after”

The discovery attracted the attention of experts because of its proximity to the planet. It is located in the center of the galaxy.

According to NASA, the black hole has been active recently.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) reported the opening a black hole located near the Earth. For scientists, this phenomenon will mean a “before” and “after” because studying it may have implications for understanding the Universe.

For this reason American space agency began researching a black hole known as Sagittarius A* to know its potential impact. Scientists have found that it is located at a distance close to Earth in astronomical terms.

NASA Reveals Details of Black Hole Discovery

Sagittarius A* is a supermassive black hole estimated to have a mass millions of times greater than that of the Sun.. Observations made with el Explorer X-ray Polarimetric Telescope (IXPE) it turned out that this phenomenon had signs recent activity devouring gas and other space debris about 200 years ago.

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NASA has announced the discovery of a black hole located near Earth.

NASA has announced the discovery of a black hole located near Earth.

Scientists used IXPE to take a closer look at nearby molecular clouds, which showed unusually bright X-ray emission. In addition, the images Chandra X-ray Observatory and archival observations European Space Agency’s XMM-Newton missionwhich allowed us to discover origin.

The discovery of Sagittarius A* means changes for the space agency as they will be able to study it behavior and the impact it has on the galaxy.

NASA Confirms Meteor Passes Near Statue of Liberty

A daytime fireball flew over New York City and passed near the Statue of Liberty. NASA confirmed that a loud roar and shaking were heard after the meteor appeared.

The news was announced NASA Meteor Watcha group of researchers specializing in this type of phenomenon. According to what they posted on social media, There were no records of debris falling to Earth after the meteorite impact.

The fireball was first seen around 78 kilometers above New York Harbor and broke up just 46 kilometers away monument.

In accordance with American Meteor Societydaytime fireball is a bright meteor that can be seen during the daytime. From my side, POT explained that this phenomenon forms small stones, which, due to their size, ““They cannot reach the ground.”.

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