Selena Gomez Addresses the Crucial Topic of Mental Health at Sommet Rare Beauty Festival
Lors de l’énement, la fénemente of Rare Beauty is a dedicated new telephone line dedicated to the assistance and restoration that auraient besoin has. These initiatives arise in the context of the concerns of aux États-Unis. This year, American sanitary authorities sounded the alarm and raised an alarm for three children concerned about the health care of lyceums, in particular young daughters. Establish an understanding with the Center for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC), the Federal Sanitary Agency of the main countries, before the three Lycées sur Cinque (57%) are concerned about sadness or despair in 2021, suspension or two other Weeks, so you can interrupt your usual activities.
Un sujet qui la touche personlement
Famous music producer and composer Benny Blancowith the fact that she officially declared her relationship last December, it was exprime, a son who takes care of a little girl, in the comments of an Instagram post: “Je suis Tellement fier de toi, bébé” and “Tu m’inspires “
Opening night to raise funds for mental health in October 2023. Selena Gomez is waiting for her to give a speech in the book, and she will enjoy the fact that the engagement for this reason “will prove certain points les plus sombres de (sa) vie.” It was immediately announced: “J’ai longtemps lutté avec mes démons interiors, me satant perdue et parfois désspérée. In 2020, I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. And pour être honnete, everything is changing quickly. I received knowledge and answers that I had despaired of experiencing for a long time. And I can understand what I am most consciously aware of and what I am doing ahead.”
Before confinement, son émouvant discours, l’ancienne star de Disney ajouté que le lancement de son Fonds pour la santé mentale était “probably chose the most important, qu'(elle) avait Never faite.”
Selena Gomez opens up about her struggles with mental health in her documentary My mind and me (stream on Apple TV+). She and her relatives are a failure of trust regarding her and her battle against self-image, particularly due to lupus, a chronic autoimmune disease that is not her focus. Dans ce Court métrage Realise Par Alek Keshishianartist with 30 years of experience, évoque également plusieurs difficult moments of the son in the park, notamment sa rupture avec Justin Biebera psychotic crisis during a tour in 2016 and, in detail, a diagnosis of bipolarity.