
Likewise, the captains were appointed in the following order: Alberto Flores, Ramon Martinez, Matias Arbol, Lulo and Hormigo.

Upper body

This Saturday, Sevilla Atlético announced the confirmed squad numbers for the 2024/25 season.. In addition, the subsidiary in Seville also approved the team captains in the following order: Alberto Flores, Ramon Martinez, Matias Arbol, Lulo and Hormigo..

As for the back, Miguel Sierra and Andres Castrin, two new players for Sevilla Atletico on the current market, start wearing the 20 and 24 models respectively.. On the other hand, players who were under contract with Sevilla C last season, such as Iker Muñoz (15), and with Sevilla Juvenil A, such as Robert Jalade (14) or Juanque (21), will also wear the team number of the first subsidiary. Therefore, the numbers are configured as follows:

1. Matthias

3. Leo Mascaro

4. Ramon Mtnes.

5. Ant

6. Rivera

7. Alexander

8. Collado

9. Mateo Mejia

10. Idumbo

11. Bear

13. Alberto F.

14. R. Jalade

15. Iker Munoz

16. Manu Bueno

17. Dario

19. Sergio M.

20. M. Sierra

21. Huank

22. L. Dasilva

23. Isra

24. A. Kastrin

26. Rafa Romero

27. Nico Guillen

28. Alexis Syria

29. Bakari Sow

30. Ibra Sow

31. Ready

32. Garcia Paqual

33. Iker Villar

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