Sexual infections: Salamanca is the “regional capital” of gonorrhea

Javier Hernandez

Friday, June 21, 2024, 07:10

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Salamanca has the dubious honor of being regional capital of gonorrhea with an incidence of about 20 cases per 100,000 inhabitants among those who go to the doctor, but “much higher” if we take into account those who suffer from it and do not know about it or are hesitant to go to the doctor.

The Epidemiological Surveillance Network of Castile and León has closed data for the past year and confirms the constant increase in STIs (sexually transmitted infections) in the Community.

Regarding gonococcal infection (gonorrhea), Salamanca has been the province with the highest incidence in Castile and León for two years in a row – 2022 and 2023 – but in 2022 it even became the province with the highest number of cases. cases (71), more than in provinces with almost twice the population, such as Valladolid.

Pharmacist Raquel Carnero, who this week launched a book on STIs, What You Don’t Expect From Sex, with Luis Marcos, notes that “Last year, Spain saw the highest number of gonorrhea cases since they were recorded. ” “. “This is a global trend, not an isolated case in Salamanca.but we could already foresee this after the end of the pandemic.

Looking for explanations for the high incidence in Salamanca Target number of university students who live in the city, as the age group with the most cases is 18 to 24 years old, but STIs are not just a disease of young people. “The greatest impact is the lack of condom use.. Condom sales have been falling steadily year over year as they are no longer seen as a barrier method against infection, but only as contraceptives. If they use oral contraceptives, they refuse condoms. On the other hand, when women reach menopause, the use of condoms is also abandoned, which is why many cases of the disease are also observed among the population over 50 years old,” explains Raquel Carnero.

Added to the refusal of condoms new trends such as dating apps. “Behavior patterns and ways of sexual relations have changed,” experts say.

At a time when infections are soaring, young people appear to be unaware of the risks, the Ministry of Health has warned. “They feel they are not being exposed and we see that a lot of education is needed in this regard.. Just as they are taught to lead a healthy lifestyle, healthy eating, they are very confused about this issue and do not know about the risks,” says Carnero.

It is striking that while the number of gonorrhea cases is increasing in Salamanca, the incidence of syphilis is decreasing. Last year, Salamanca recorded 20 cases, with a rate of 6.14 infections per 100,000 inhabitants.. These are lower numbers than before the pandemic.

A pharmacist specializing in STIs remembers that “it is normal to have several STIs at the same time,” but also points out that “there are always fewer cases of syphilis than gonorrhea,” and details: “The WHO reported that in 2020, 82 million cases of gonorrhea compared to just 7.1 million cases of syphilis.

Health authorities recommend that those who suspect or are sure that they are suffering from a sexually transmitted infection should waste no time and put themselves in the hands of their doctor. “Firstly, these infections can be cured. All of them are curable if they receive the appropriate medications.. On the other hand, it is important to know that some infections, such as syphilis, may have no symptoms and you think you are cured, and They can develop into much more serious phases., with neurological manifestations. “There’s no need to simplify this.”

Who to contact

In Salamanca there is a dedicated STI consultation with many years of experience, which receives cases referred from primary care, emergency care or even from associations and NGOs accustomed to working with these pathologies.

This request – under the leadership of Virginia Velasco– Depends on dermatology, but is supported by multidisciplinary work with other hospital services: from possible admission through the emergency department to work with other departments such as microbiology, urology, gynecology or internal medicine, through the infectious diseases department.

For their part, pharmacists declare the usefulness of cooperation in the fight against STIs. “Besides the fact that the pharmacist does a lot of outreach every day, they are very well positioned because there is no need to make an appointment, they are at street level, they know people, they have professional confidentiality. and if they are in a hurry to get to know you, It is not necessary to go to the nearest pharmacy because there are many offices where you can go.

Health care providers distinguish between STDs (sexually transmitted diseases) and STIs, which are infections but may be asymptomatic and may not cause illness.

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