Shock after photographer Tony Espadas is murdered while recording a documentary about a tribe in Ethiopia

Shock in Catalonia over the murder of photographer and tour guide Tony Espadas while recording in the Mersi tribe in Ethiopia. Chilean channel Teletres confirmed the death of Espadas, a member of the program’s team, on Monday. Partners around the worldwho was “the victim of a complex incident they were recording in ethiopia“, Chen said in a statement.

“As Channel 13, we deeply regret Tony’s death and from afar we offer our full support to his family,” the note said. When the team was recording the Mersi tribe in Ethiopia They were the victims of an attack in which the Espadas died. The channel reported that Teletrace contacted the team in Ethiopia and they informed that they were not attacked by the tribe they were visiting, but that “This was recorded when they left the area after finishing the dayon the way back”.

Tony Espadas was a renowned Spanish photographer, an expert on Africa. In fact, he founded Rift Valley Expeditions, a company of experts and consultants in trips to the continent. which landed for the first time 25 years ago. Both the Chilean Foreign Ministry and Canal 13 “are taking all the steps so that they can leave the country as soon as possible, return to Chile and provide them with all the assistance they need,” the statement concluded.

Sabadell Mayor Marta Farres from Spain has expressed grief over the death of the photographer. In a message on his X account, Phares indicated that he feels “saddened by the news of the murder From Tony Espadas, our neighbor in Ethiopia” and “With all the best wishes to his family and loved ones.”

For his part, Catalonia’s acting President Pere Aragonés “expressed condolences on behalf of the government.” “We are subordinate to the authorities and the family To support in this time of sorrow“, he said in a tweet. The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Meritxile Seret Aleu, has also signaled the government’s support and assured that they are progressing in “appropriate steps”. “We deeply regret the tragic death. The Sabadell native was murdered in Ethiopia. We express our condolences to the family. And we make ourselves available to offer you Psychological support and necessary support”,

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