Side effects of Ozempic, a drug approved by the Ministry of Health to treat diabetes and obesity

Ozempian box. (REUTERS/George Frey)

Ozempic This is a drug used for treatment type 2 diabetes and whose active ingredient is semaglutide. This is a medicine that has proven to be highly effective in reducing blood glucose levels and weight loss. However, the Spanish Agency for Medicines and Health Products (AEMPS) has indicated that some pharmacies are engaged in the irregular practice of selling it as a weight loss medicine without a prescription.

However, as with any drug, its use can be associated with a number of problems. side effects what is important to know and monitor if necessary, consultation with our doctor. Some of the most common materials collected by AEMPS are gastrointestinal disorders, including nausea, diarrhea, vomiting and constipation. Nausea is usually most common early in treatment and tends to decrease over time as the body adapts to the medication. However, in some patients, these symptoms may persist and be severe enough to require discontinuation of treatment.

Pain or abdominal discomfort They are also relatively common. This symptom may be a direct result of the aforementioned gastrointestinal effects. At the same time, Ozempic can cause loss of appetitewhich, while may be beneficial in terms of weight management, can also lead to insufficient nutrient intake in some cases.

In addition to common side effects, AEMPS highlights some less common but potentially serious side effects that should be taken into account:

  • Pancreatitis. There is a risk of inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis) associated with the use of semaglutide. Patients should be informed of the symptoms of this condition, which include severe and persistent abdominal pain, and should seek immediate medical attention if these symptoms occur.
  • Hypoglycemia. Although Ozempic by itself does not usually cause hypoglycemia, the risk of low blood glucose levels increases when it is used in combination with other antidiabetic agents, especially insulin or sulfonylureas. Symptoms of hypoglycemia may include dizziness, sweating, confusion, and palpitations.
  • Allergic reactions. Although rare, serious allergic reactions (anaphylaxis) may occur with Ozempic. These reactions may include skin rashes, swelling of the face, lips, tongue or throat, and difficulty breathing.
  • Kidney problems. Semaglutide may affect kidney function, especially in patients with pre-existing kidney disease. This may manifest as worsening kidney failure.

Given the side effect profile of Ozempic, AEMPS recommends careful monitoring of patients starting treatment with this drug. In particular, it is recommended before starting treatment evaluate kidney function and the patient’s history of pancreatitis. During treatment, kidney function and blood glucose levels should be regularly monitored.

In addition, patients should be informed about possible side effects and how to recognize signs of serious complications. This includes clear instructions on what to do if symptoms of hypoglycemia, pancreatitis or allergic reactions occur. This may be necessary adjust the dose doses of Ozempic depending on the patient’s response and the occurrence of side effects. In some cases, it may be necessary to stop treatment if side effects are intolerable.

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