Six vaccines doctors recommend after age 65
vaccination It is one of the public health measures that has the greatest impact on mortality and morbidity in the population and is important for older people. In this sense, the doctor Nieves Fernandez Letamendigeriatrics specialist at the Quironsalud Zaragoza Hospital, assures that “the infectious processes from which vaccines protect us are less tolerated in older age and have a greater risk of serious complications that can endanger our lives.”
Therefore it is extremely important keep the calendar up to date vaccines starting at age 65 and, if in doubt, seek advice where your individual case will be assessed.
What are the six vaccines?
According to expert Quirónsalud, the following six vaccines are recommended for older people:
flu vaccine recommended from 60 years oldespecially in high-risk people suffering from diseases such as diabetes, obesity or chronic renal failure, as well as other chronic metabolic pathologies; chronic cardiovascular or respiratory diseases.
Likewise, people who care for or usually live with at-risk individuals should be vaccinated against influenza as a preventative measure.
2. Vaccine against pneumococcus.
The current recommendation is to administer a new pneumococcal vaccine A VNC20 conjugate that requires only one dose, without the need for additional doses. In any case, the doctor advises “consult with your doctor whether you need a reminder or not and with what schedule.”
3. Tdap vaccine (tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis)
With this vaccination we are protected against two infections and one disease caused by bacteria. diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanusrespectively.
Before receiving the dTPa vaccine, you should consult with your doctor, who will assess whether to start from scratch or withdraw the vaccine, although booster vaccination with this vaccine is recommended for almost all people over 65 years of age.
After the pandemic, coronavirus remained one of the viruses responsible for typical winter illnesses such as influenza. The doctor adds that “in case of immunosuppression or hospitalization, revaccination is recommended.”
5. Chickenpox vaccine.
The VHZ vaccine protects against varicella zoster virusp and is prescribed in certain risk groups over 18 years of age, especially those with weakened immune systems. The Ministry of Health included it in the annual vaccination of the population over 65 years of age.
6. Other recommended vaccines
Depending on each case, especially in situations of contact or immunosuppressive nature, the need to administer vaccines against hepatitis A and B, against Haemophilus influenzae infection type B (Hib) and against meningococcus.