Spain’s Olympic Games Final Day Reports

Spain significantly improved their chances of reaching the Olympic quarterfinals after beating Greece 84-77. The win, pending what happens in the Canada-Australia match, positions Spain as a candidate for third place, with the possibility of competing against Canada tomorrow to improve that position.

We are looking at the options that Spain has to reach the quarter-finals.

Olympic Games Accounts in Spain

A win for Spain over Greece leaves Sergio Scariolo’s side in a situation where, pending the result of Australia vs Canada, progress to the next round is almost entirely up to them. An Australia win over Canada would ensure that Spain will be third at the very least, no matter what happens in the final match.

While a final day win over Canada wouldn’t guarantee them a top-two finish (if Canada beat Australia, Australia beat Greece, and Spain beat Canada, it would be a three-way tie), a team with two wins would be extremely difficult to win. In third place, neither of the top two third-place finishers were in their group.

To benefit from this triple tie, as Spain could even be first, the score is -12 against Australia and the national team is playing against each other, and we will have to wait for the result on Friday and the aforementioned Australia-Canada match to measure how much the Spanish victory should be.

If Spain loses to Canada, the team can only hope for a victory. third Because even though Australia loses both matches, Spain’s average remains at -5, +12 for Australia and -7 for Greece. Spain therefore has an interest in Australia beating either Canada or Greece to prevent this triple tie from happening, as a Greek win on the final day by 3 points or more could leave Spain fourth.

If Spain loses to Canada and finishes third, we will have to look at their average, which starts at -5, and see where the other third countries end up in the other groups. If they make it through the round, they will be placed in Pot 4, which will overlap with Pot 1, which will contain the top two finishers from Phase 1.


If Australia beats Canada, Spain will be at least third, no matter what happens on the final day.

If Spain wins on the final day, they could finish 1st, 2nd or 3rd depending on the averages in the Canada vs Australia match.

If Spain loses on the final day, they will finish third unless Australia loses to Canada and Greece beats Australia by between 2 and 18 points.

Photo: FIBA ​​reports on the Olympic Games in Spain

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