Spanish vets reveal secrets of ADHD in dogs

Like humans, dogs can suffer from a syndrome similar to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.ADHD). In fact, several studies highlight the use of dogs as a model for studying ADHD.

A team of researchers from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine University of Santiago de Compostela And Veterinary University Hospital Rof Kodin conducted a review on this topic, in which they describe the syndrome in detail and provide information on its pathogenesis, symptoms, diagnosis, prognosis, prevention and treatment.

One of the authors is – Angela GonzalezHead of the Clinical Ethology Service at the Veterinary Hospital of the University of Rof Codina and researcher at the University of Santiago de Compostela, who recently received the Company of Animals award at the gala III edition awards Animal Health.

In this article, the term ADHD-like is used to refer to its manifestation in dogs, and the term ADHD is used to refer to its manifestation in humans. The condition, they explain, entails behavioral problems manifests itself as impulsivity, attention problems, hyperactivity and/or aggressiveness, which compromises the quality of life of both the caregiver and the dog.

They note that the pathophysiology of ADHD is complex and involves dysregulation of several neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine“It appears that the expression of ADHD-like behavior in dogs depends on the classic gene-environment interaction that occurs in many human neurological disorders,” they point out.

In addition to the symptoms described, the researchers believe that dogs with ADHD may exhibit severe Comorbidities with compulsive behavioraggression, inappropriate elimination and fear, as well as epilepsy, ingestion of foreign bodies and itching.

“While there is no veterinary consensus regarding the diagnosis of ADHD, some verified questionnaires may be usefulbut they cannot be used as the only diagnostic tool,” they admit.

As for treatment, they note that the use medications such as fluoxetinebesides adequate environmental enrichmentRelaxation protocols and behavior modification can ensure adequate quality of life for both the dog and caregivers.


“In conclusion, understanding and addressing overactivity or ADHD-like behavior in dogs requires multimodal approach This takes into account several factors such as genetics, environment and neurobiology,” they defend.

Although they admit that although in some cases may simply include inappropriate stimulationothers may reflect more complex conditions, such as ADHD in humans. “To effectively manage these behaviors, a thorough diagnostic assessment, including behavioral assessment and differential diagnosis, is necessary,” they note.

In this sense personalized behavior modification strategiesalong with biological therapy when needed, can significantly improve results.

Besides, preventive measures aimed at risk factors as husbandry practices, socialization, and environmental enrichment are critical to minimizing the development of ADHD-like behaviors in dogs.

For authors, use comprehensive diagnostic approaches Through targeted interventions and preventative strategies, you can improve the well-being and quality of life of both dogs and their owners.

“This article could have been a useful tool for clinical approach ADHD in dogs in clinical practice and provides comprehensive information for future research,” they conclude.

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