Sports commentator Mariano Rajoy is back with his distinctive style

The start of the EuroCup also marked the return of Mariano Rajoy as a sports analyst. His first article, published to coincide with Spain’s debut this weekend, retains the style that characterized his previous phase: short sentences, few proverbs and great care in analysis.

“Hello everyone,” the former prime minister begins simply. The article, consisting of only three paragraphs, continues with a political message: “The Spanish football team will give us joy in this EuroCup. We need them. “They won’t be enough to alleviate the discomfort that those of you in the know give us on a daily basis, but that doesn’t make any difference.”

Rajoy believes that there are reasons for optimism regarding the Spanish national team, but not too many: “There is more merit in victory, but it is not advisable to fall into euphoria,” he tells us in his analysis. The Italian team, Spain’s next opponent, has “some bad points” according to “some”. “I don’t enter into controversy. Let’s see, I’m an optimist. Not to do this is stupid… and pessimistic,” concludes the former prime minister.

Rajoy’s columns were a big hit at the latest World Cup in Qatar after they wowed social media with their distinctive style. We already know what his secret is, which he himself admitted: he dictates articles through voice notes on WhatsApp immediately after the games are over.

The articles were published in El Debate, the newspaper of the Catholic Propaganda Association, an ultra-conservative organization that, among other things, accused the government of trying to “impose a change of mentality” through laws such as equal marriage and abortion. or euthanasia.

The start of the EuroCup also marked the return of Mariano Rajoy as a sports analyst. His first article, published to coincide with Spain’s debut this weekend, retains the style that characterized his previous phase: short sentences, few proverbs and great care in analysis.

“Hello everyone,” the former prime minister begins simply. The article, consisting of only three paragraphs, continues with a political message: “The Spanish football team will give us joy in this EuroCup. We need them. “They won’t be enough to alleviate the discomfort that those of you in the know give us on a daily basis, but that doesn’t make any difference.”

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