State of emergency for warriors

The second part is worth forgetting about Angola, in which he was only able to score six goals, left Guerreras this Sunday at the Guerreras stadium. on the brink of elimination at the Olympic Games on the first shift. The 26-21 score reflected a team without ideas, which little by little became a prisoner of its own worries until the final shipwreck. If Ambrose Martin had had matches from Brazil and Angola as the most affordable To get the classification back on track, the coach will have to abandon Plan A and try to work a miracle against Netherlands, Hungary and France in the remaining three days.

But the signs are dire. After a first half that proved to be a mirage (14-15), the Warriors made the same mistakes and fell victim to the same doubts as they had against Brazil, when they eventually gave in. It took Spain eight minutes to score their first goal of the second half (17-17). Shortly after Carlos Viver, the “Spanish spy” in the Angolan national team, The game reached a turning point. With the score at 18:18, the referees sent off Angola captain Natalia Santos, who had already had one player expelled.

However, the Warriors did not take advantage of the opportunity. Instead, Lara Gonzalez was ejected, and immediately after that, Shandy was also forced to take a two-minute suspension for throwing a ball into the face of the Angolan goalkeeper. The trilogy was completed by Jennifer Gutierrez, who saw red for attacking an opponent in his six-meter zone. The Angolans did not forgive, and Spain sank into an endless collapse from which they never recovered. Disoriented and unsure of themselves, they did not even have the opportunity to fight for the game in the last minutes, leaving an uneasy feeling of unease that to this day gives rise to the worst thoughts. A state of emergency has already been declared in the Las Guerreras dressing room. They need a radical change in the next three games to dream of reaching Lille’s quarter-finals.

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