Study finds dancing may be an effective way to lose weight

According to recent research, dancing can be an effective strategy for losing weight and improving body composition in people who are obese or overweight.

A meta-analysis showed that compared to a normal lifestyle, dance leads to significant improvements body weight, waist circumference, body fat percentage and fat mass.

“With high efficiency and a greater sense of pleasure, Dancing can be a beneficial exercise for weight loss“, the researchers write in the journal PLOS ONE.

A review of 10 studies found that practicing it for more than 3 months along with creative dance forms was more effective in achieving body composition goals. Researchers believe this may be due to the fact that current dance forms are more energetic compared to more traditional dance styles.

Dancing improves physical and mental health

This is not the first time a study has highlighted the benefits of dance for improving people’s health.

Numerous studies have noted that this form of bodily expression has positive effects on both the physical and mental levels. He does this because of the demands that he needs. imposes coordination, endurance, balance and memory to remember steps. It also involves social interaction and soul work..

Dance has been found to have therapeutic effects on patients with Parkinson’s disease. Several studies have noted improvements in attention, verbal memory, and neuroplasticity in healthy older adults who dance. Researchers even found improved cognitive function in older adults with mild cognitive impairment after a 40-week dance program.

Dancing helps reduce stress, increases serotonin levels and allows you to develop new neural connections.particularly in areas involved in executive functions, long-term memory, and spatial recognition.

How does dancing help you lose weight?

Watching dancers perform their work shows how dance helps.tone, gain flexibility and burn calories.

However, it’s not about professionalism. Compared to sitting, moving to the rhythm of your favorite song, whatever it may be, is an improvement.

However, the faster and more energetic the style, the greater the energy consumption it will entail. In accordance with health line, dancing for 30 minutes can lead to burn 118 calories with ballroom dancing to 143 with salsa or over 200 if it’s hip hop.

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