Study links climbing stairs to increased life expectancy

cardiovascular diseases can be largely prevented if carried healthy lifestyle and I do exercise. However, more than one in four adults worldwide does not meet recommended levels of physical activity. Lack of time, laziness or low economic level are usually the cause biggest excuses for not exercising.

A joint effort between the University of East Anglia and Norwich University Hospitals Trust in Great Britainpresented at ESC Preventive Cardiology 2024 Scientific Congress European Society of Cardiology (ESC), indicates an activity that is often overlooked and which, in addition to being free, has numerous health benefits.

Researchers advise taking the stairs, because it is a practical and easily accessible form of physical activity. If you have access to stairs or an elevator, they recommend taking the stairs “because it will help your heart,” the study author says. Dr Sophie Paddock.

“Even short periods of physical activity have beneficial effects on health, and short periods of climbing stairs should be achievable goal integrate into everyday life,” he says.

Climbing stairs is a practical and easily accessible form of physical activity.

This study investigated whether climbing the stairs as a way physical activity may play a role in reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease and premature death. To do this, the authors collected the best available data on this topic and conducted a study. meta-analysis. Studies were included regardless of the number of flights of stairs or the speed of ascent.

Nine studies were conducted 480,479 participants in the end. The study population included both healthy participants and those with a history of heart attack or peripheral artery disease. Age ranged from 35 to 84 years. 53% participants were women.

Study shows that climbing stairs reduces 24% risk of death from any cause and probability 39% less likely to die from cardiovascular disease. In addition, it is also associated with a reduced risk of cardiovascular diseases, including heart attacks, heart failure And blows.

“Based on these results, we would like to encourage people Incorporate stair climbing into your daily routine.. Our research has shown that the more stairs climbed, the greater the benefit, but this needs to be confirmed. So, whether at work, at home or anywhere else, use the stairs,” he concludes. Dr. Paddock.

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