Success of the HPV vaccination campaign at Las Adoratrices Medical Center – HUELVA TV

The vaccination campaign against human papillomavirus (HPV) at the Las Adoratrices Medical Center is progressing successfully. This year, adding boys ages 13 to 18 to the vaccination schedule has enabled many parents who were previously hesitant due to cost to vaccinate their children. This measure was well received by families who took the opportunity to protect their children from this virus.

Previously, the HPV vaccine cost approximately 180 euros, which was a barrier for many families. However, as of last Monday, vaccinations were extended to all children until they reach adulthood, thereby equalizing recommendations for boys and girls. This vaccine is needed to prevent precancerous and precancerous lesions caused by a sexually transmitted virus.

The campaign included vaccination in institutes and schools according to specific schedules for each educational center. Thanks to this measure, it is expected that more than 200,000 children will be vaccinated throughout Andalusia, representing great progress in the field of youth sexual health. At the Las Adoratrices health center, the response was very positive: a large influx of children and adolescents came for vaccination.

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