
The ex-star compared Arme with OnlyFans and caused outrage

Mia Khalifa, continue for the French-speaking son, throw a bridge to the sea with the latest proposals for the sur-armée.…

7 months ago

Atlantic diet and mortality in Europe

The Atlantic diet, rich in fish, meat, dairy products, vegetables, legumes, potatoes and whole grain bread, is the result of…

7 months ago

Altered genes that increase cancer risk

The results of a recent study reveal the type of cancer susceptibility genes and suggest additional mechanisms of action to…

8 months ago

Compulsive sexual behavior, an invisible consequence of sexual abuse.

elena_prosvirova / ShutterstockI met a boy one night when I was 16. We went to my house and even though…

8 months ago

The unexpected complexity of viruses that infect bacteria

Scientists have discovered that some phages (bacteriophage viruses, meaning they subsist on the bacteria they attack) determine their infection strategy…

8 months ago

What to do if depression cannot be treated? | Health and wellness

Composer Hector Berlioz described in his Memories “the terrible feeling of loneliness in an empty universe.” In this state, the…

8 months ago

Skylab-4: 50 years have passed since the first “strike” on the spacecraft | The science

In the history of space exploration, at least two cases of mutiny among astronaut crews have been recorded. The first…

8 months ago

“You don’t have to take your child to a psychologist because he’s sad”

Having anxiety (something natural) has nothing to do with having a panic attack. Depression is not sadness. Well-being is not…

8 months ago

Philosophy as a tool in our daily life

Everyday life is surrounded by philosophical concepts, although we don't realize it: worries, fears, doubts, philosophy can help cope with…

8 months ago

6 Micro-Changes in Your Daily Life That Will Change Your Life Today (Inspired by Japanese Kaizen)

All experts in habits They agree that goals They should be few and small. It is much more effective to…

8 months ago