Scientific Research

Million-dollar project against familial cancer wants to rescue thousands from ‘genetic purgatory’ | Health and wellness

“Fear is not the right word to describe what I feel,” explains Carlos Rospide, “but there is anxiety. You're always…

8 months ago

The twins who revealed why some people are more likely to gain weight | Health and wellness

According to a study by the Carlos III Institute of Health and the Spanish Food Safety Agency, more than half…

8 months ago

The first suspected cases of transmission of Alzheimer’s disease are described | The science

It was an unintentional experiment with tragic results. Thousands of short people around the world were given growth hormones extracted…

8 months ago

Relics of an Ancient Virus Embedded in DNA Control Embryo Development | The science

Every human being begins with a single cell—a fertilized egg—and eventually becomes an impressive being made up of some 30…

8 months ago

Aissam Dam: Gene therapy restores hearing to 11-year-old boy with congenital deafness | The science

Aissam Dame, 11, the son of a Moroccan family who emigrated to Barcelona, ​​had his hearing restored thanks to gene…

8 months ago

The ship on which the United States wanted to return to the Moon disintegrates in the background of the Earth’s atmosphere | The science

This time everything went according to plan: the ship Pilgrim from Astrobotic disintegrated in the Earth's atmosphere somewhere north of…

8 months ago