Tears of a police officer in Argentina after the words of a protester: “You are on time”

Argentina has experienced moments of tension since the ratification substantive lawThe ambitious legislative project of the Xavier Meili government, which establishes the legal framework for profound transformation Economic and social model of the country.

When the result of the vote will be known. Hundreds of protesters Those who were at the door of Congress confronted the police, throwing stones at them and setting up barricades, to which the agents responded with rubber bullets and tear gas.

One of the most notable moments of this day was when a protester decided to approach a police officer and ask him to join the protesting citizens.”Look at my face. You’re on time, take off your helmet, come this way” this woman asked him.

“Come this way, because here we will never push you like they are doing to you to cheat you, so that they kill you. No, people don’t do that, People support you, Crazy. “The people defend you,” he continues to insist in front of the rest of the agents and the watchful eyes of other protesters.

At one point, the woman says she can tell the police officer has started crying. “I can feel your tears falling down, don’t be like that“, he tells her, hinting that her mother or brother might be with them.

A tough moment that resulted in the police officer having to leave

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