Teenagers from 13 to 18 years old are vaccinated against human papillomavirus in Cadiz

A young man is vaccinated against the human papillomavirus in the city without an appointment.

Health centers throughout Andalusia have activated this preventive measure, which will prevent the infection of serious diseases such as cancer.

This Wednesday, health centers throughout Andalusia will host a vaccination day for children aged 13 to 18 against the human papillomavirus.

A measure taken by the Andalusian health administration to save adolescent males who had not previously received doses against this disease.

Thanks to this vaccine, they will be prevented from serious diseases such as genital cancer in the anogenital area, as well as cancer of the head or neck, mouth and pharynx.

Until May last year, the vaccine was included in the official vaccination schedule for all adolescent girls aged 12 to 18 years, achieving coverage of more than 90%. From 2023, it is also prescribed to children over 12 years of age. This period was subsequently extended to 18 years to cover the entire age group.

This virus affects both sexes and vaccination as early as possible in adolescence is very important as 80% of the virus is sexually transmitted. The vaccine requires a single dose to immunize.

Although vaccination is the best prevention, experts recommend using other preventative measures such as using condoms.

Women should participate in screening programs through periodic cytology tests and can receive treatment before cancer appears.

The Andalusian Health Service has activated a cervical cancer screening program, which started in the province of Cadiz as a pilot project in February last year.

The Health Directorate encourages Andalusian families to come to the health center with their children, by requesting in advance or taking advantage of walk-in days.

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