The amount of vitamin B12 you should take each day, depending on your age

vitamin B12 is essential for him good performance the body and its deficit may pose a danger to health. Your daily intake depends on age.

Vitamin B includes different types: thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (AT 3), pantothenic acid (AT 5), pyridoxine (AT 6), biotin (AT 7), folic acid (B9) and cobalamin (B12). This last one essential for him good performance body, but it deficit This is quite common in old people and in those that follow vegan diet or vegetarian.

What is vitamin B12 and what is it for?

As we said, vitamin B12 It is also called cobalamin. “This water soluble vitamin performance many functions in our body,” explains the nutritionist Julia Farre. Among the main ones is maintaining health. neurons And bloodcontribute to the formation Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) or collaborate in amino acid metabolism, fatty acid And carbohydrates convert them into energy.

From Clinic Bazterrika They note that we can get vitamin B12 by consuming dairy products. poultry meatfrom cow and from fish, flakes And Nutritional supplements. But our body is not capable of creating it.

The amount of vitamin B12 you should take each day

quantity The amount of vitamin B12 a person needs per day depends on his age. IN both sexes This samealthough this varies in the case of pregnant women or in lactation period. In accordance with National Institutes of Health from USAThis is the recommended option for each range:

  • Do you drink before 6 months: 0.4 micrograms.
  • Do you drink from 7 To 12 months: 0.5 micrograms.
  • Children from 1 To 3 years: 0.9 micrograms.
  • Children from 4 To 8 years: 1.2 micrograms.
  • Children from 9 To 13 years old: 1.8 micrograms.
  • Teenagers from 14 To 18 years: 2.4 micrograms.
  • Adults: 2.4 micrograms.
  • Women And pregnant teens: 2.6 micrograms.
  • Women And teenagers during lactation: 2.8 mcg.

What happens if there is excess vitamin B12?

Nutritionist Silvina Fralleoni Please note that under normal conditions excess Vitamin B12 is excreted in the urine without complications. However, it can also be stored in liver. “This reserve will not last forever. It could satisfy the needs of limited period time and not too long: from several months to several years,” says the nutritionist. Leire Ruiz de Gauna Merino in an article from Spanish Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

Therefore, excess vitamin B12 infrequentalthough this can also occur in people suffering from certain kidney disease. According to experts from Clinic BavariaMay cause heart failureformation blood clots in blood, renal failure And vision problems. If this happens, you need to see a doctor.

Signs you may not have enough vitamin B12

Although excess vitamin B12 is uncommon, it is more common. deficit. This is common, for example, in older people and those who are observant. vegetarian diet or vegansince this nutrient is obtained primarily through the intake food from Animal origin. Nutritionist-nutritionist Monica Acha indicates on the channel YouTube from xDiet food which signs that there is not enough vitamin B12:

  • polyneuropathy: This is about damage at the ends nervous system which usually manifests itself in the form tingling V Hands or in legs. Sometimes this also causes pain. This occurs with a lack of vitamin B12.
  • Problems in that digestive system: can change functioning wave speed intestinal transit of food. As a consequence, this will also reduce absorption other nutrients, which can lead to feeling tired or from fatigue.
  • Changes belonging mucous membrane: they arise primarily in mouth as burning on the tongue or palate or ulcers.
  • Change V red blood cells: for vitamin B12 deficiency resize themwhat can be discovered using analytics.

Which food contains the most vitamin B12?

Before we turned to main sources from vitamin B12. Of all of them, food which contains the greatest amount of this nutrient, beef liver. Specifically, 80.7 micrograms per 100 grams, according to experts Madrid Nutrition Clinic.

Vitamin B12 is not the only nutrient found in beef liver. It also stands out for its excellent content in squirrels from high biological value And in minerals How ironHe zincHe copperHe potassiumHe correspond And selenium. This also contributes riboflavin, folic acid and vitamins TO, d, B6 And AND. Therefore this very healthy food include in a healthy diet and balanced.

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