The author of a Japanese animation studio fire that killed 36 people has been sentenced to death.

In July 2019, Shinji Aoba entered Kyoto Animation Studio and threw a flammable liquid inside the three-story building, which housed about 70 people.

A Japanese court this Thursday sentenced to death the author of a 2019 fire at a prestigious animation studio that left 36 dead and 32 seriously injured after the facilities burst into flames because of his resentment toward the company. Was seriously injured.

Shinji Aoba, The 45-year-old man, who admitted setting fire to the Kyoto Animation Studio complex (also known as Kyoani) in the (west) city of Kyoto, was found guilty and sentenced to life in prison. Death penalty for “extremely serious and tragic” crime, According to the decision given live by public broadcaster NHK.

The judges of the Kyoto District Court chamber in charge of the case determined that No signs of mental illness have been found Nor was Aoba in a state of temporary insanity when he carried out the attack, thereby holding him criminally responsible, which was the biggest point of contention during the trial.

According to the opinion, the convicted man “committed the crime of his own free will out of resentment towards Kyoto Animation and was not influenced by delusions”, which also called the “crime of burning people” as “cruel and inhumane”.

Aoba entered the room in a wheelchair, where he fainted due to the serious consequences of the fire. He almost burnt to death. According to the aforementioned state channel, when asked if he wanted to say anything, he remained silent for about 10 seconds before replying: “I have nothing to say.”

Shortly after the hearing began at 10:30 a.m. local time (1:30 GMT), the session was interrupted by a half-hour recess before the verdict was read, which continued for an hour, followed by another hour’s recess. And the verdict was read. Completion of approximately 40 minutes.

The litigation surrounding the Kyoani incident, one of the worst and deadliest tragedies of its kind in recent Japanese history, continues. great public expectation Since it started in September last year.

The court received 409 applications to occupy one of the 23 available seats for today’s sentencing.

On July 18, 2019, Aoba burst into the studio shouting: “I’m going to kill them,” He poured flammable liquid and set it on fire. Most of the 36 dead are of this age group. Between 20 and 30 years, When they tried to escape to the roof, they got trapped in a staircase in the building, the door of which was locked.

“The fear and pain of the victims who died in Study 1, which immediately became hell, and who died later, is indescribable,” the court decision said.

may have been the inspiration for the event Aoba believed that the studio had plagiarized a novel. Which he presented in a competition organized by the company.

The day of the fire was at Kyoto Animation headquarters 70 of the more than 170 studio employees, “Lucky Star”, “K-On!!” Known both in Japan and abroad for producing series such as. Or “Violet Evergarden.”


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